Sampha - Too Much (Spectrasoul Remix)

It's all right like, but it's basically just a complete rehash of ideas they've already used in other tunes.

One of the sounds in it is basically lifted wholesale from that Overtime remix they did on Shogun.

It's a free tune tho... It's decent and free, (or soon to be)! No complaint from me
It's all right like, but it's basically just a complete rehash of ideas they've already used in other tunes.

One of the sounds in it is basically lifted wholesale from that Overtime remix they did on Shogun.

Yes it's rehash and certainly nothing that consumed too much time to do I absolutely agree with you on this point but this is the sound I fell in love with, with Spectrasoul. Nothing really touched me from them since the album. As well didn't thought the album had anything with right value compared to big singles like - Light In The Dark, Glimpse, Absentis. Between 08-11 they were on a fucking roll with this kind of sound. I know, boring same old same, old sound was better the new sound argument/opinion but this is basically why it's getting the props on here!