Liquid Funk
New Member
Hi, here's my track. Inspired by liquid and chill out tracks it's no heavy hitter and is without some of the cheesy synths or leads that I personally don't enjoy too much. When producing I try to make what sounds appealing to me.
In my opinion the strengths are the pads and hopefully the fact the track actually sounds pleasant to listen to. Points to improve would be more interesting drum patterns and probably composition. Mastering and mixing are a constant learning curve and I did them to the best of my current ability.
I'm prepared for construtive criticism, at the end of the day this is just a hobby for me at the moment. Of course any positives are welcome! I enjoy listening to this myself it would be great if someone else did too and to get feedback from my peers.
Sorry if this is too much info I'm just trying to give some context. Cheers!