Resonator overhaul


Feb 28, 2010
Bruges, Belgium
So i've taken your advice to get more variation in my production, and you didn't like the melody, so took a whole overhaul of the song. And only the drums and the intro are the same, the rest has changed pretty much.

So here's the previous version

And now the most Recent Version,

Just done it this afternoon & evening, a lot of freaking work man,
hope you like it, but be honest about it, if it's not good, say it

Just noticed that the bassriser in the beginning is on a wrong note, woops! (Fixed it)
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wait for tomorrow and hear this again, you'll notice that the only thing that is wrong here is the mixdown, in some parts the drums get drowned by too many elements in the song.

Drums sound soooooo goood.
Great variation and ideas in here mate. Good job but work on it tomorrow and try to get all elements sitting well in the mix, think well what's the protagonism you want to give to each element. My 2 cents :)
wait for tomorrow and hear this again, you'll notice that the only thing that is wrong here is the mixdown, in some parts the drums get drowned by too many elements in the song.

Drums sound soooooo goood.
Great variation and ideas in here mate. Good job but work on it tomorrow and try to get all elements sitting well in the mix, think well what's the protagonism you want to give to each element. My 2 cents :)

You mean compressing some synths/samples more that my drums get expressed better?
Prolly is the decimated sample "iaaaooww" or something ;p
musically it doesn't apeal to me, but thats down to my taste in music so for others it might.

but the productions sounding much much better and things are sitting nicer :)

(still not keen on the repeated crash)
well imo i only think it really needs to hit once at the start of the track but its sup to you dude
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