

Mar 21, 2012
Hello. I was just wondering what peoples opinions were on Reason? I have the opportunity to do a music production course and the teacher has recommended Reason as a starting point based on my music production experience which is basic.

I've looked online at various sources and what I have seen looks good but I have read the process for actually sketching out some ideas can be quite lengthy as opposed to a DAW like Ableton (my original course preference). Also, there doesnt appear to be VST support with Reason. Is this going to be a major hindrance?

I know the opinion that 'its not what you use, but how you use it', but I would rather use a programme that is actually enjoyable to use both initially and also as I learn more going forward.

I am looking for a few final opinions before I make a decision. Its not a cheap course so any decent feedback is going to be truely valued.

Thanks in advance
Reason has got lots of cool features, with a few drawbacks.

It's totally unique in the way it works and it's fun to use. The devices it comes with are extremely useful.

Some people find it confusing with all the wires round the back, but I like it. It's like working with hardware.

It does not support VSTs which is both a good and bad thing, depending on your perspective. They have just announced an app store that will have plugins made by third parties, so it won't really be an issue in the future.

Best thing to do is download the demos for all the DAWS and see which one you like best.
Reason is good, the thor synthesizer is powerful and the workflow is entirely efficient and fast, you can lay a track down very quickly. IMO you need to get a few demos of programs or atleast use them on someone elses computer who owns them - before making any kind of decision to purchase them. i tried quite a few and reason was the one for me, but eventually - now that i need a quality sound (and i need to work with audio) i use it rewired with logic so i use all my VSTS and audio in logic and reason purely for a drum machine
Reason supports audio and I don't know what you mean by "quality sound". All DAWS sound the same and have done for years.

Reason is good for beginners too because everything is standardised and works the same, you don't need ot learn how to use lots of different plugins.
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This is really great feedback guys, thank you. To be honest I find the layout with the wires around the back a little daunting. I suppose later on down the line it would be useful though if I ever start using hardware as well.

I've mainly played around with FLStudio and made mixes in Ableton which I love using and have never given much thought about Reason until it was strongly suggested as a sgood starting point. When you say 'quality sound' what do you mean? I kind of know what you mean as whenever I have produced a track in say FLStudio it just doesnt sound polished, but I think that is probably down to user error rather than the actual programme itself. Are you saying that I wont be able to make quality professional sounding tracks in Reason? A lot of feedback has also suggested bringing in other DAWs to work with Reason which to me seems a bit long winded
I started on Reason 4 and found it really easy to learn, i still use it when i'm on the road because i find it really easy to get the basics of tune down and its not cpu heavy. I think Reason 6 has audio capabilities aswell now which is a biggie because that was one of the reasons i ditched it as my main daw, the fact that it doesnt have vst support is annoying but it comes with everything you will need and wont stop you from making good tunes.

At the end of the day it doesnt matter what i say its whether you are comfortable using it
You can make "professional" sounding tracks in every single DAW. That's just a fact. Don't listen to people that talk about "sound quality" as it doesn't really mean anything.

You can rewire Reason into other DAWS too if you really need to use some vst plugins.

I sound like a Reason fan boy I know. I have used other DAWS and I also own FL Studio, so I know that each have their pros and cons. What you will often find when asking for advice is people will just say whatever they own is the best and everything else isn't as good.
i have used reason 4,5 and 6 - love it
I own FL ( dont like it - dont use it wasted my money tbh)
I have tried abelton, cubase (didnt like them)

Its all personal taste - personally i think its a great platform to start with - i found it the easiest for me to get going.
But then again a lot of people say that about ableton as well.

as someone said above try the demo's - which ever one you find easiest to get going with i would suggest using that one.
i use reason 4 gonna get six but need new computer first

ive used ableton in college and absolutely hated it the layout is wank
cubase is alright
havnt tried logic

but they all do the same things just in different ways etc
get some demos see wich u prefer
This is really great feedback guys, thank you. To be honest I find the layout with the wires around the back a little daunting. I suppose later on down the line it would be useful though if I ever start using hardware as well.

I've mainly played around with FLStudio and made mixes in Ableton which I love using and have never given much thought about Reason until it was strongly suggested as a sgood starting point. When you say 'quality sound' what do you mean? I kind of know what you mean as whenever I have produced a track in say FLStudio it just doesnt sound polished, but I think that is probably down to user error rather than the actual programme itself. Are you saying that I wont be able to make quality professional sounding tracks in Reason? A lot of feedback has also suggested bringing in other DAWs to work with Reason which to me seems a bit long winded

forget the wires at the back.....most of the things you'll use and do in reason will wire itself'll only start to rewire stuff differently once youve learnt the basics......i got reason 4....and learnt it myself.....its got everything you need to build a decent dont need the best vst's you said its how you use it.
I'm not a fan of Reason (personal preference), however, I'll be the first to admit that Combinator and Thor are probably two of the best sounding/versatile soft synths I've heard.
i use ableton with reason 5 rewired, thor is my goto synth, it just makes sense, redrum is also awesome to use and the wiring is so simple, everything is labeled, it'll take you a couple of weeks to get your head round it max, also lenzman uses just reason, theres all the proof you need that reason can produce a pro sound if you know how to use it...
yeh reason is very good imo, i use it along with logic becoz of logics mixing capabilities, but its all down to u in the end g, try demos till u find which one ur comfortable with...
Intopic: The reasons resolution sucks for me and isn't repairable. You can't change reasons rack resolution and windows resolution won't change anything.

Off-topic: What DAW would you guys recommend that isn't reason to mix/master/compress with? Rewiring isn't necessary.
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you know you can explode the rack out from the squencer right?
Also in reason 6 you can explode the mixer out as well - so you have 3 full screens?

Not sure why you want the rack bigger tbh - full screen is fine for me...

if you read any of the above comments you would see everyone is saying that there is no recommendations. DAW = personal taste, they all make good music.

YOU HAVE TO TRY AND FIND ONE YOU LIKE yourself. cant do that for you m8
get downloading demos......
another reason fan here. it's great for getting ideas down quickly and it can sound good if you know how to use it. i also like the wiring round the back for the hardware feel and i find that because you have to work a bit harder to get a good sounding mix out of it, it actually encourages you to develop your engineering skills. the fx units are fairly basic but with a bit of playing around you can achieve some great results. again tho, try it and see how YOU get on with it. my 2 cents ;)
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Reason, FL studio, ableton, logic cubase etc etc... all do exactly the same thing. The best one will be the one you take the time to learn. Download the demo's and see what one makes you think creatively because creativity is what its all about..