
New Member
Feb 14, 2009
I don't have any clip of the tune as my mate deleted all the videos from the night.(NOB!!!!)

i think as far as i know Sub focus, Chase n status, andy c, an d bridge all banged it.

It has a proper destinctive intro. not sure how to explain but has a big bassline, but distorted. sounds a bit like a sound test kind of track. All the DJ's played the intro part of the tune.

I know this is a bit vague but if someone could try and help would be good. Not even sure who it sounds like. Original sin maybe??

anyone that was there should know the tune im going on about.... please!!!
Defo not that but big ups.

im not 100% that d-bridge played it lol i was tipsy as fuck by then haha

All i know is it had a hektik intro. it starts off a smooth bass and then staggers kinda (so hard to explain)!!!!!!!

i have been looking left right and centre for this!!!

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