Prosession this Friday - Nickyblackmarket // Jungle Drummer


/!\ Dainjah /!\
VIP Junglist
Apr 8, 2002
I dunno how I do it, but whenever I enter a competition for a guestie, I always get it! Chexx0r....


You have won this month’s competition on for guestlist for you and a mate for Prosession this Friday, the 6th December. The guestlist will be as: ************* , just come to the front of the queue and state that you are on the guestlist.


Heh, who else is goin? Take it you are Caution?
Originally posted by inf0r
I dunno how I do it, but whenever I enter a competition for a guestie, I always get it! Chexx0r....


You have won this month’s competition on for guestlist for you and a mate for Prosession this Friday, the 6th December. The guestlist will be as: ************* , just come to the front of the queue and state that you are on the guestlist.


Heh, who else is goin? Take it you are Caution?

Yeah, i'll be there from about 9 onwards......

One of the Terra-Technique residents is opening up so im there for the duration.

Fancy getting down there early for a meet up?.....

I should be there too.
Also if anyone fancies checking out some more shit in birmingham I'm doing a competition at poppy red in the arcadian this coming tuesday and support would be good.
Just starting to get gigs again and they've been going down a storm.

Anyway if i'm at prosession I'll be easy to spot, look for the desert camouflage...
Missed you at DJ die caution but hopefully I'll spot you
Caution: Workin till 9 on Friday nite, so will prolly just bowl down from work.... Lazy I know, but I live a tenners cab ride from town!

Might be coming in force, should be good for a laugh anyway... Link fer a drink Caution, if yer in early doors mate.. Just look out for a skinhead, wearin a white/navy Stussy tee, and some bad-bwoy Evisu jeans :-P

Serum: I pop into Poppy Red during the week for a drink sometimes, when you playin? Take it it's dnb?? (Not narrow minded, just a guess in case it ain't)
Sound lads......

I'll just be wondering about dazed and confused as normal. Cant really say what im wearing as I dont really plan shit like that but more than likely i'll have my long black Nike coat with the big hood on the back (cos it's gonna be cold this weekend, haha). I'll probably chill up on the stage for the first hour or so while my mate is on so I shouldn't be to hard to spot if you get there early.

If not just ask someone up there and they'll point you in my direction......

btw..........Jungle Drummer has cancelled. Nicky will still be doing the last hour and a half at the end though.

"Unfortunately, due to late confirmation of a forthcoming US tour with DJ Craze, The Jungle Drummer will not be appearing at Prosession on Friday 6th December. Prosession apologises and will endevour to feature The Jungle Drummer in 2003"

Set times.........

Nicky Blackmarket ... 1.00am - 2.30am
Shaolin & Pace (PRSN) ... 12.00am - 1.00am
Phase 2 (Broken Minds) ... 11.00pm - 12.00am
Shaolin & Pace (PRSN) ... 10.00pm - 11.00pm
Samas (Terra-Technique) ... 9.00pm - 10.00pm

It'll be 100% dnb at poppy red from me.
I think my set is at the end, there'll be one junglist, a hiphop guy, then me.

Is jungle drummer worth hearing? I had a guy try to drum over my set once and it just did my fucking head in. Couldn't hear what I was doing at all. Might spoil my pure enjoyment of the breaks if he was there.

Btw Caution, when is terra technique on and where?
I've only heard him once before sometime in the middle of last year. He's obviously talented but I dont really think it brings anything extra into the dance. To be honest it all seemed a bit disjointed to me.

Example........trying to keep the beat all the way through the build up of Planet Dust. Kinda confused everyone when it dropped as it was all so out of time. I for one wont be too upset that he wont be appearing at Prosession.

Terra-Technique is just a night I resident at in Banbury and Leamington Spa. We use the two venues in Leamington for small scale local parties (guests this year have included Rascal + Klone, Hazard, Shaolin, Pace, Phase2, Devise + 3a, Fallout, Escape, MC Biggie, MC Accapello amonst others) and Banbury for the bigger names (Mampi Swift, Shy FX, SS, Micky Finn, Twisted Individual, MC Fearless, Kenny Ken, Top Buzz, MC Warren G, Ray Keith, Transit Mafia + Nicky Blackmarket amongst others).

We have three dates in December. Two of them im not sure of the dates though off the top of my head. One will be held at Kelsey's in Leamington Spa this month on a liquid tip which will be featuring Addict of Prosession alongside TT residents. The second one will be held in the more dancefloor friendly Robbins Well (also in Leamington) and for this one we have the ladies representing with sets from Karen G and Little Miss of Purity / Unification / Deckology featuring alongside the usual TT residents. I'll look up the dates for both of these if anyones interested.

On Dec 27th at Hobsons Choice, Banbury we will be hosting our annual Xmas bash. Line up is as follows....

Shy FX (Ebony)
Alongside MC's Algar, Manikula + Miggz.

That about covers it I think mate. If anyone wants any info on things Terra-Technique related then dont hesitate to get in touch with me and i'll answer any questions you may have. My contact details are in my profile. Safe.

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Sounds good.
If you ever want another DJ then mum's the word.
I can pass you a mix and some of my tracks if i got any cds left

Pretty glad that drummers not there now
Just seemed to affirm my suspicions that his act would be total pump.
Probably distract the Dj a hell of a lot too
Originally posted by Serum
Sounds good.
If you ever want another DJ then mum's the word.
I can pass you a mix and some of my tracks if i got any cds left

Yeah, bring one up on Friday mate. Always looking for dj's to fill up earlys so you probably stand a good chance.

Tracks are most welcome too :biggrin:
Once again I was cabbaged and didn't spot anyone.
There's always next time.

Nicky did a good set tho I thought
Phase 2 seemed to be having an off day.
Originally posted by Serum
Once again I was cabbaged and didn't spot anyone.
There's always next time.

Nicky did a good set tho I thought
Phase 2 seemed to be having an off day.

I've just got home now after a heavy session. Spent the weekend in the company of a house full of student nurses. :biggrin:

Nicky was absolutely blinding. Turned up and played 45 minutes of all the dubs that im really feeling at the moment. Didn't hear the rest of his set as I was busy elsewhere. Made me proper laugh watching Shaolin trying to carry Nicky's requested cup of tea through the crowd as the place was going off.

What I heard from everyone on the night was great. Another quality Prosession. Heres to 2003...............

Next time then lads innit, next time.......

Shame i couldn't stay til the end, was all good up until 12.30 tho, always a good atmosphere there. Phase 2's first tune made me laugh!
Shoulda taken your advice Caution and stayed til the end.. Hope your beer mission was successful on saturday!
take it ezee see ya Fri @ Robbins if not before.

P.S. Terra Xmas Tear Up is Sat 28th not 27th!