DnB Production Help/Tips DRUMNBASS


New Member
Sep 9, 2016
Right, so ive been using logic for about a year now but my productions are not getting any better mixdown wise, every thing is quiet and a bit muddy so i was just wondering if anyones got any good tips or could help with mixdowns.

theres a few new clips up on my soundcloud if anyone would like to check them out and have any tips or help id greatly appreciate it! :)


Also feel free to post your soundcloud links too, i like hearing new artists. This is the thread i started about soundcloud links

Hay Noire.

after checking some of your tracks out in my opinion you haven't mixed the mids high enough.
if your worried about stuff being muddy try giving the part in question a small dip at 215hz (Depending on the sound)
Also if you not doing it already Sidechaining can be very useful for the Kick and bass to sit nicely together but be careful not to take to much of the bass out.

Right, so ive been using logic for about a year now but my productions are not getting any better mixdown wise, every thing is quiet and a bit muddy so i was just wondering if anyones got any good tips or could help with mixdowns.

theres a few new clips up on my soundcloud if anyone would like to check them out and have any tips or help id greatly appreciate it! :)


Also feel free to post your soundcloud links too, i like hearing new artists. This is the thread i started about soundcloud links

There is a great plugin by waves factory called "track spacer" £30 approx & it is awesome for mixing kick & bass in DnB as it ducks the bass out whenever you kick drum hits & you can tweak the frequency very precisely , it really is a great little plugin & may remove some of the mud in your tracks ,hope this helps dude
This is my latest beat

Right, so ive been using logic for about a year now but my productions are not getting any better mixdown wise, every thing is quiet and a bit muddy so i was just wondering if anyones got any good tips or could help with mixdowns.

theres a few new clips up on my soundcloud if anyone would like to check them out and have any tips or help id greatly appreciate it! :)


Also feel free to post your soundcloud links too, i like hearing new artists. This is the thread i started about soundcloud links


Also for me the key to a cleaner mix , especially drums is a good little transient shaping plugin , i use SPL transient designer but this one is free and really good " audio assault transient " just type that in on google & you are away
if you have to sidechain the bass and kick to make it work then the 2 sounds arent working together in the first place, get another kick, or clean up the bass, i dont mean cut out massive dips, go in the synth and re work the bass or change the plugins. By all means i sidechain sometimes when it calls for it when i wanna get some more movement, but some tracks dont need it. Though ill sidechain tops and percussion to the kick and maybe the snare in every track thats a must

this is one of my track at 58:45, i did the complete opposite of side chaining for the bass and had percussive hits kicks and layers of bass all hit at once, all the sounds work together and the frequnecy range was filled with different sounds, i didnt have to duck out big cuts to make anything fit

noire whats your output channel look like? is it at 0db? what plugins do you use on your sounds?
Hay Noire.

after checking some of your tracks out in my opinion you haven't mixed the mids high enough.
if your worried about stuff being muddy try giving the part in question a small dip at 215hz (Depending on the sound)
Also if you not doing it already Sidechaining can be very useful for the Kick and bass to sit nicely together but be careful not to take to much of the bass out.

thanks for the feedback :) ill try that out, and yeah ive been using it sometimes but nt all the time
if you have to sidechain the bass and kick to make it work then the 2 sounds arent working together in the first place, get another kick, or clean up the bass, i dont mean cut out massive dips, go in the synth and re work the bass or change the plugins. By all means i sidechain sometimes when it calls for it when i wanna get some more movement, but some tracks dont need it. Though ill sidechain tops and percussion to the kick and maybe the snare in every track thats a must

this is one of my track at 58:45, i did the complete opposite of side chaining for the bass and had percussive hits kicks and layers of bass all hit at once, all the sounds work together and the frequnecy range was filled with different sounds, i didnt have to duck out big cuts to make anything fit

noire whats your output channel look like? is it at 0db? what plugins do you use on your sounds?

yeah i always keep it at 0db, only on the output though. i use mainly the plug ins that are on logic x like eq's, compression, reverbs etc.
yeah i always keep it at 0db, only on the output though. i use mainly the plug ins that are on logic x like eq's, compression, reverbs etc.

the overdrive plugin is very versatile aswell on logic great on kicks but works on everything really. id have a look at ohmicide aswell its a must for all my bass it can really create warmth and character :)
if you dont set up bus' then have go with them aswell. ill have 2 bus for drum a colour bus and a limit bus,
colour is overdrive and 2 vintage eq's from waves the puigtec plugins and the limit bus is just the l1 limiter thats slammed, but i dont feed the drums into that much just to add a bit of further processing and some perceived loudness
the overdrive plugin is very versatile aswell on logic great on kicks but works on everything really. id have a look at ohmicide aswell its a must for all my bass it can really create warmth and character :)
if you dont set up bus' then have go with them aswell. ill have 2 bus for drum a colour bus and a limit bus,
colour is overdrive and 2 vintage eq's from waves the puigtec plugins and the limit bus is just the l1 limiter thats slammed, but i dont feed the drums into that much just to add a bit of further processing and some perceived loudness

Do you have any links where i can download/buy ohmicide? ill have to look more in to using bus', thanks for the feedback so far :)
well, should of also said ive been using fl studio and pro tools for 3 years too, ive been on and off with it though as ive been busy

Alright, understand your pain then. Actually went to your SC, really I don't hear anything being really that wrong (but then I again, do I know shit?), but I feel the little there is, has something to do with the high end. I'm on cheap AKG dj headphones atm, and they do have usually lots of high end. I know that when I go to sound cloud, set the volume from my macbook to max minus 5 steps (sound cloud volume being maxed out), that's basically the same as playing through my iPhone on max volume. Any louder will start hurting my ears. However, on Promixity remix, I can turn the volume all the way to the max, both on my laptop and SC, and only thing hurting my ears a little bit are the snare highs and transient from the kick.
Do you have any links where i can download/buy ohmicide? ill have to look more in to using bus', thanks for the feedback so far :)

no prob mate. https://www.ohmforce.com/HomePage.do its a bit pricey at 99eur, you can try before, another one that is similar is izotope trash 2 which my mate uses and gets some crazy colours in the mix with
1 other thing that's often overlooked is where you place things on the stereo field- I hate side chaining myself as it takes the impact out of kicks/bass so if you get a little 'muddling' of sounds, start to give stuff space of it's own across the stereo plane.
Just for example...
Kick- dead central- good compression should suffice to lift it forward
Bass- dead central
Vocals- 5% wide Left & right
Pads/strings& synths 10% wide Left & right
Sound FX- 15-20% wide Left & right
Listen in headphones to get an idea for the space you've created:)
One tip: listen to a well produced track in a similar genre at the same volume as your own track and start going back and forth between them, while you do that try pointing out the differences between both your track and the one you are comparing it to. That way you'll end up with a list of differences between both tracks that can be addressed and fixed to make your track better or more close to what you're trying to achieve. Specially when you want to get better at mixdowns I feel this could benefit you a lot!
1 other thing that's often overlooked is where you place things on the stereo field- I hate side chaining myself as it takes the impact out of kicks/bass so if you get a little 'muddling' of sounds, start to give stuff space of it's own across the stereo plane.
Just for example...
Kick- dead central- good compression should suffice to lift it forward
Bass- dead central
Vocals- 5% wide Left & right
Pads/strings& synths 10% wide Left & right
Sound FX- 15-20% wide Left & right
Listen in headphones to get an idea for the space you've created:)
Would you keep the kicks and sub mono then? Except everything. Else?