Pendulum NEW DNB song

I like this. Very distinctively Pendulum and still good. Quite different too. Not the kind of thing I'd buy personally, but I'd love it in a rave.
Oooh interesting, could you stick a link up to where it was talked about on Teknoscape?

In b4 over 9000 pendulum insults, if you dont like it - don't ruin this thread and get it locked etc.

Kthx :3
better than there rock stuff but still not to keen on it.
seems like a bit of a solar rip of the way it kicks in with quiter rolling drums then into a heavier drop
fuck pendulum, they had their amazing moment with a shocking follow up, from now on they are a heavy metal group, not dnb, fuck em!
and their new track is wank
Its been a very song time since I liked a pendulum song. If they do a song I would like I would like it not not like cuz I hate pendulum.
fuck pendulum, they had their amazing moment with a shocking follow up, from now on they are a heavy metal group, not dnb, fuck em!
and their new track is wank

says who that from now on there a heavy metal group ? :lol: im sorry who made you there manager or even god at that ...
they can do as they please and to say they aint dnb is just fuppin silly , they have achieved via this music more success than 99% of ppl using this board,as for there new track being wank before opening your mouth id like to hear "your" production "your" ideas and hear it coming from "a set from noisia" o im sorry ... cant your skills match that foul "im hard" internet image .... GROW UP ! ITS PPL LIKE YOU IN THE SCENE THAT RUIN IT !!! FIX UP ,GET EDUCATED AND LAY OFF THE BULLSHIT !!! :ban::ban::ban:
better than there rock stuff but still not to keen on it.
seems like a bit of a solar rip of the way it kicks in with quiter rolling drums then into a heavier drop

Solar has only just come out...
I doubt they would have ripped it off tbh.
alright mate! easy, i was just writing what i think about pendulum, your obviously a hardcore fan and slightly touched and offended by that comment so im sorry, it wont happen again.

and im not "in the scene" by any sense of the phrase.
and if i was their manager i wouldn't of had them doin any rock bollocks at all, propane nightmares? even the dirty dnb remix is crap haha

sniff my winnits rude boy!
i swear its almost as if u guys are paid to come into forums slating music, if its wank in your opinion, don't listen!?! Don't post?!?!
So it was that bad u needed to vent your anger even tho you are not a producer, and u know nothing of the crunch!
