Nightwalker - Jumpstart

Getting seriously bored of his style now. Colobus the only one im after, being a bit different
nightwalker said:
made this a long time ago so dont think this is my new style stuff :P
Yeah man understood but seriously, you have got some power in your tunes but the drums need a bit of a change up, otherwise I could see you going the same way as distorted minds. I loved your sound when I first heard it but the tracks are getting a bit samey see? No disrespect intended, just my opinion
Nightwakler, you use the same temlpate for all your tunes? Cuz I swear to god they sound the same. I bought Crazyheadz (sold that shit soon as I got it btw, not that its a bad tune, just......not my style) and the flip Bounce sounded exactly like Crazyheadz. Wtf? Btw, I talked to your bro on slsk, he says you make these tunes cuz they sell. Well they defnately sell, but cant you be a BIT more creative?? Impress me, please.
Sickboy said:
Nightwakler, you use the same temlpate for all your tunes? Cuz I swear to god they sound the same. I bought Crazyheadz (sold that shit soon as I got it btw, not that its a bad tune, just......not my style) and the flip Bounce sounded exactly like Crazyheadz. Wtf? Btw, I talked to your bro on slsk, he says you make these tunes cuz they sell. Well they defnately sell, but cant you be a BIT more creative?? Impress me, please.

lolololol.. i have no idea what you're talkin about with the soulseek shit... listen to 'head nod' 'program to kill' 'mohawk remix' 'smashed'... they all sound very different from each other.. but the clips prolly wont be up for a while yet, if i was writing tunes just purely for the money i'd be churning out bollox on any label sounding like quick thrown together shit, so think again.. and if you've got anything else you wanna say just throw me a pm :)
nightwalker said:
lolololol.. i have no idea what you're talkin about with the soulseek shit... listen to 'head nod' 'program to kill' 'mohawk remix' 'smashed'... they all sound very different from each other.. but the clips prolly wont be up for a while yet, if i was writing tunes just purely for the money i'd be churning out bollox on any label sounding like quick thrown together shit, so think again.. and if you've got anything else you wanna say just throw me a pm :)

heres the deal man. Go take some classes, and learn how to engineer, because its apparent you don't know what you are doing. Quit biting Bad Companies - The Nine, stop using the same samples etc, that I know you didnt even make, and produce some decent shit.

One mo thing, you down grade Leighas just cuz he doesn't make anything "trendy". Clown-step is going to die out, so you best learn to make somethin else mate. Otherwise you're just gonna fall off the face of the earth never to be remembered. Do you honestly think you are the next Moving Fusion? Cuz mang, if anythin, Danny C signing you, just shows that he has bad judgement. Anyways. Peace out mang, and best of luck.
Hah, I think its awsome that he uses the same samples in multiple songs. And even more awsome that I can point them out to friends, and show them how much of a fake he really is.
Whoa, whoa on the hate!!! Please don't slate a man on his track comments thread. Besides the fact that what Mr. Sickboy is saying is groundless, there are other forums for that....
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