next ram release

I heard a few months back "Follow The Light" was sposed to be coming out soonish, im sure thats Sub Focus' next release anyway, coz thats what he told me. Could be next on Ram? As a lead up to the album?

As for release dates and shit, I think the fact of the matter is that alot of the time, NOBODY knows, its not even like the label owners or producers of the tune know and are just keeping quiet, they just dont know.

Like with alot of dubs on various labels, just because the tunes are being played it doesn't mean anyone has even thought about releasing them yet, yet alone being able to give an accurate release date!

Sometimes its just like asking a question which doesn't have an answer, so you might aswel just sit back and wait until something emerges, and hopefully itl be worth it :)

Someone who listens top man!

I think follow the light will be on the LP.

He should have a 12'' prior to the LP
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Neither do I but I type it when I'm told it's cool to release the information you know. It's great you like to inform everyone whats forthcoming and whatnot but sometimes shit needs to be held down for reasons. Just like whats happened here.......

I think you'll find' that it was talked about in innocent conversation. The person who told me didn't say it was embargoed - hence why I gave people a heads up in in good faith and an innocent fashion. I don't need to be told by you how to keep things locked down in a condecending way.

If I had known it wasn't public knowledge I would have held it down.
Steve, I knows the ins and outs of this. I didn't at any point want to come across patronizing at all.

Scheme has big involvement with this tune being he released the original version of it.

Why I quoted is because your undermining him there, almost like saying he don't know his own business.

TBH I'm gonna leave that here, its been dealt with now. So let the music talk eh?

I thought that was what Timewarp / Join the Dots was lol

Well it just didn't happen, it's one of them things.

Like there was talks of Contra being an EP

and also Frozen Solid EP, some things just dont pan out thats all!
Steve, I knows the ins and outs of this. I didn't at any point want to come across patronizing at all.

Scheme has big involvement with this tune being he released the original version of it.

Why I quoted is because your undermining him there, almost like saying he don't know his own business.

TBH I'm gonna leave that here, its been dealt with now. So let the music talk eh?

Well it just didn't happen, it's one of them things.

Like there was talks of Contra being an EP

and also Frozen Solid EP, some things just dont pan out thats all!

I sent Sheme a message explaining the situation in my own words out of courtesy... Like I said in the message to scheme - I was under the imression it was public knowledge and had been finalized. It was all done in good faith for the forum members - not to upset anyone mate. On the fliside it's had great feedback which is a big tick in the box. ;)
I sent Sheme a message explaining the situation in my own words out of courtesy... Like I said in the message to scheme - I was under the imression it was public knowledge and had been finalized. It was all done in good faith for the forum members - not to upset anyone mate. On the fliside it's had great feedback which is a big tick in the box. ;)


EP is going to be massive still looking forward to hearing Avon Calling only tune I dont know of the EP
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