next ram release

Your welcome, that was FACT. You posting hear'say.

lol everything to do with dnb songs release dates is hear'say! 'Member when sub focus's album wuz supposed to come out...i seem to recall he himself saying april of last year or sumthing

bottom line is ur never gonna get a straight answer unless u made the song or you own the record label that the songs coming out on
if you look above apparently scheme said artisan vip is the next release on ram...

Scheme said that?
Last time I heard on here Scheme said that nothing was confirmed, and he pulled SubSonics pants down and told him off for posting it because it was untrue as of yet??

As he confirmed it now then?
lol everything to do with dnb songs release dates is hear'say! 'Member when sub focus's album wuz supposed to come out...i seem to recall he himself saying april of last year or sumthing

bottom line is ur never gonna get a straight answer unless u made the song or you own the record label that the songs coming out on

Yeah your right.

As for the release of artisan VIP on ram, refer to the LOMAX EP thread for further info. Im sure as and when details arrive, that's where they will go.
I remember a while back when i mentioned i'd been played 'Time Warp VIP' shortly after it was made and the same old forum members would take the piss and doubt what i said thinking i made it up... A month or so later everyones talking about because Andy's started playing it out...

I don't just type shit for the fun of it...

Time will tell.
im just annoyed that the subfocus album was supposed to come out last april,

now its supposed to come out in june/july

i mean i know things take a while but come on guys @ Ram, sort it out.

by the time it comes out people will be talking about a new album :(

just the way it goes.
i was taking the piss btw

@ fazer there has been loads of times when vips or remixes have come out on different labels

spirit 1471 (metal headz) / 1471 vip (inneractive)
jamal screwheadz (rufige) / screwheadz remix (36th chamber)

unless a contract has been signed which assigns the copyright of a track to a label the artist is pretty much free to do what ever they want to with remixes and vips
Time will tell.

Jesus wept

Yes it will.

But I pity the fool who tells you any sort of privileged information in future.

I heard a few months back "Follow The Light" was sposed to be coming out soonish, im sure thats Sub Focus' next release anyway, coz thats what he told me. Could be next on Ram? As a lead up to the album?

As for release dates and shit, I think the fact of the matter is that alot of the time, NOBODY knows, its not even like the label owners or producers of the tune know and are just keeping quiet, they just dont know.

Like with alot of dubs on various labels, just because the tunes are being played it doesn't mean anyone has even thought about releasing them yet, yet alone being able to give an accurate release date!

Sometimes its just like asking a question which doesn't have an answer, so you might aswel just sit back and wait until something emerges, and hopefully itl be worth it :)
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