DnB Newcaise - Time Flies

I think the kick needs some work as it is totally lost in the mix, could do with being louder and more punchy. Also the hi hats are a bit high in the mix and get a bit irritating and repetitive IMO. Otherwise it holds together pretty well (y)
Agree with Dan re feedback on kick and hats. That echo'ed Crash Cymbal is also a bit loud. Musically the chords are great and the melodies work really well. The only thing I don't like about the melody is the sax/horn sound you used at the beginning and near the end at 3:40. The melody works really well when you used the Synth pluck sound at 1:42 to play it so maybe just use that or choose another synth sound instead of the sax/horn.
Liking the chords on the intro and yeah it works well with that pluck melody although the pluck is probably too loud. I reckon you've got some great sounds in there. But your drums do sound like poop at the moment, take some time to practice layering different drum samples, for instance you could try blending claps or higher and lower pitched snare or even a rim shot with the snare you've got at the moment.

And I reckon really have a play around with your mixer to get everything balanced, after that EQing will help your out majorly as well.
hello. this one sounds quite nice. I agree, the drums need more processing, esp. the snare.
I really like the lead and plucks in this one, some flowing movement would make them sound even better I assume.
maybe you can try finding some nice vocals and put them on top (not too many) and then this track would be even better ..