New tune from dat Rev-E guy!

Hello mate,

Some fucking good ideas there man. I found that when the bass line comes in it could do with some variation before the lead comes in again. Quality lead, and beats, couldn't really hear the bass cos im on shit speakers at the moment. Definatly a lot of potential.

I've just posted my first tune. If you get a chance would appreciatte any feedback. Its called redawn and is at
Re: Re: New tune from dat Rev-E guy!

:oscar: dope mang! tanx for da feedback! I did get a chance to listen to ur choon and I think it'z a great start being ur first track ever! I would put a few more effects on tha' bass.. maybe vary up tha' cymbalz a little.. tha' beat soundz solid! alright g! ez out!

presto said:
Hello mate,

Some fucking good ideas there man. I found that when the bass line comes in it could do with some variation before the lead comes in again. Quality lead, and beats, couldn't really hear the bass cos im on shit speakers at the moment. Definatly a lot of potential.

I've just posted my first tune. If you get a chance would appreciatte any feedback. Its called redawn and is at
Re: Re: Re: New tune from dat Rev-E guy!

o yea! almost forgot! I have a new mix posted online.. tha' mix iz full of fresh dubz and hot promo'z.. u can hear it at .. under tha' Archives section.. alright.. ez out..