DnB new track finished Cosmic Radiation

Snare needs tightening up an abit more variation, although the ride does help change and carry the track
but love the idea! got some cool sounds and the bass is wicked !!
really good work - maybe try a colab see if someone can add those elements to make it really stand out, keep working on it man !
Your audio quality always sucks from some reason when posting to this forum :teeth:
Think the bass is too wet. Reduce the reverb
Liking the track so far. :)
I think this can be really fat in a club on really big speakers just one thin in the drop at 1:45 your kick is cut first on 1/4 then on 1/8 and it sounds like the kick isn´t starting right in the 1/8 part like it´s a little to late. Was this intentional or just a bug? Sounds a little strange cheers mate
I think this can be really fat in a club on really big speakers just one thin in the drop at 1:45 your kick is cut first on 1/4 then on 1/8 and it sounds like the kick isn´t starting right in the 1/8 part like it´s a little to late. Was this intentional or just a bug? Sounds a little strange cheers mate
just listened through and cant pivk up what you mean, could just be soundcloud being a twat
hmm just listen on my headphones and can`t tell you anymore now i just sounds like a shuffle is on the hits
Sorry mate for bothering...