DnB New track check it out

Not much of an expert, but all i can say is that you can definitely work further with this song.
I'm feeling like some ambience can really give this song some depth.
Not much more i can really say.
As a whole this track sounds really nice, just feels like more can be done with it :D
I reckon a crash or some white noise on the very first beat would be nice, maybe bring the stuff backward from the 16 bar point to give you additional ambient layers.
Hi hats or percussion from the start of the intro might fill your tune up more too.

I reckon those bass stabs just before the drop could be played on their own in isolation for extra impact like how Emperor does on "She Said":

Some kind of riser before the drop might be nice even if just white noise.

The bass sounds really cool, not sure if it works with the piano on the drop.

Have fun and be creative with drum fills and adding and taking away drums and other elements for better progression.
I like this tune , but something wrong with piano , I think u should kick out and put something more fit , and with piano do other dnb , not necessary liquid , but anway good track !
I wasn't expecting this !!! Big up man! I am excited!!! Really really c00l w0rk!!!
I reckon a crash or some white noise on the very first beat would be nice, maybe bring the stuff backward from the 16 bar point to give you additional ambient layers.
Hi hats or percussion from the start of the intro might fill your tune up more too.

I reckon those bass stabs just before the drop could be played on their own in isolation for extra impact like how Emperor does on "She Said":

Some kind of riser before the drop might be nice even if just white noise.

The bass sounds really cool, not sure if it works with the piano on the drop.

Have fun and be creative with drum fills and adding and taking away drums and other elements for better progression.

allready working on and the crash was the first thing to do
I like this tune , but something wrong with piano , I think u should kick out and put something more fit , and with piano do other dnb , not necessary liquid , but anway good track !

i know its different but it has to be. Making the theme more clear by giving it some vocals...