NEW Pendulum/Subfocus Collabo Tune!?!


Well-Known Member
VIP Junglist
Jul 3, 2005
High Wycombe Village
NEW Pendulum/Subfocus Collabo Tune!?!

well f me sideways / for everyone whos a super lover of the pendulum/subfocus sound and loved the slam/xray in the way it was produced cast your ears to this BIG BIG BIG dancefloor smasher that the 2 giants have come up with,smacked at the end of a bad company set only a 2.36 clip of it but u get the gist of what it gunna do to the dnb dancefloors worldwide ......

taken from doa >>
and posted by derodra to me its worth the d/l ...

going to be massive ... enjoy the listen,let me know what u think .. seems via doa in which is more neuro thinking that the tunes AMAZING !!! great look for once i spose from a forum thats ANTI DANCEFLOOR MUSIC lol

>>> <<<

take care tpi

I listen...
Hmm, not a huge fan of X-Ray and Slam was pants apart from the epic intro, but this sounds pretty fucking heavy! (y)
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have i got the full set >>

i believe that the set is the

bad company @ pirate station 4 set ? i personally havent d/l so i cant be sure,but id say thats the latest bc recording with mcs floating around public wise,unsure what goes on on aim or pm's lol .. but im pretty sure thats the d/l set u want ..

should be in this forum,if not shout me out ¬¬¬ and i will hook u up with a link ok ........ :fag:
got the set cheers panty inspector!!! mcs are very loud its a shame.

azonia it does exist, the set is about 30mins long
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