Neuro bass tutorial.

Great tut MisterApe, I found to be quite inspiring. TBH, I never thought about transposing an OSC so extreme and then combining it with harsh color (via filter, sine shaper, etc.) to reveal a crazy timbre...the result was quite nasty (in a good way, lol!) Don't be nervous about your accent, I was able to understand every single word. And if anyone gives you shit because of your accent, politely tell them to eat a bag of dicks.

Great tut MisterApe, I found to be quite inspiring. TBH, I never thought about transposing an OSC so extreme and then combining it with harsh color (via filter, sine shaper, etc.) to reveal a crazy timbre...the result was quite nasty (in a good way, lol!) Don't be nervous about your accent, I was able to understand every single word. And if anyone gives you shit because of your accent, politely tell them to eat a bag of dicks.

Hahahah! Will check this at lunch MisterApe :)
Only thing I'd add looking back at it, is a 2nd instance of massive with a sinewave and a smooth square to add some more weight to the sub frequencies perhaps.

And thanks for the comments :), I appreciate it.

Very nice and informative work there, good job sir.
A little critism on the side : Maybe use a compressor on your voice. I turned up my monitors to hear you well and then you neuro-bassed the hell out of me :D Try bringing the sound and your voice on one level, then you are super awesome! :)
It's partially the mic, I'm going to buy a decent condenser mic for recording samples + for any future tutorials.

Thanks for the idea though I'll look into it for the next one :D.
Sounds like plasmic diarrhea. I like it. Definitely the mod osc and parabolic shaper are the pros in massive. BIGUP!
Farty bass sounds are always the best :teeth:

Next one I may be doing about modulation and processing, because there should be more of that on youtube.