DnB Need feedback on WIP (neuro dnb)


Jan 21, 2013
I've been at this now for about 8 months and trying and trying to get bass sounds I am happy with. This is my latest work in progress. It has some slight clipping on the bottom end (much apologies) during portions when the kick and bass hit hard. I'm never happy with my bass sounds... they never sound "organic" enough. I will keep at this until I get to them how I hear them in my head!! I think I am aiming too high though... as I wish my sounds to be like Billain!!! ;)


Please let me know your thoughts!


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First, there's a typo in your link, the # shouldn't be there.

As to the music, it's a great little 30 seconds. The drums are a bit faint, but you've got the beginning of a really fun bass.

As far as aiming too high—don't forget that actually writing whole songs is as important as getting the one true perfect bass songs. It's great that you're dedicated to the technical side of the craft, but don't neglect the "actually getting a track done" side. I don't know if that's a problem for you, but for me it has been, at times...
Link fixed.

Thanks for the feedback... yes I am actually having some difficulties getting tracks fully completed right now. That's another thing I'm working on. I've got about 5 songs that have a lot done but I just can't finish them and I keep moving on to another song. I also go back to stuff I do and end up not liking the bass or something and put it to the side and start another track. I am also at the finishing stage of leaving my girl friend of 14 years... I just got moved in to the new place and will have all my equipment set up with in the next month. I think that once I get everything set up and organized, I will be able to focus better and get stuff done more efficiently. :)

Take care,


First, there's a typo in your link, the # shouldn't be there.

As to the music, it's a great little 30 seconds. The drums are a bit faint, but you've got the beginning of a really fun bass.

As far as aiming too high—don't forget that actually writing whole songs is as important as getting the one true perfect bass songs. It's great that you're dedicated to the technical side of the craft, but don't neglect the "actually getting a track done" side. I don't know if that's a problem for you, but for me it has been, at times...
so far so good. i think a little multiband compression on the drum tracks that have been bussed to one channel will help.
Not bad,sound decent to me.i you want you basses sounds more organic try playing with granulizer,you can achieve great results:)
bass is a tad too loud, other wise its sounding sick. would like to hear it wiht an intro! good job