Naming Tunes


Feb 16, 2011
Do you name before production or after? And is the name linked to the way the tune sounds or not?

I name them after production and try to name it how the tune sounds to me, not always possible though!
depends how the tune is goin
sometimes name it before due to a sample i wanna use or mid way for same reason
and also name em after as how it sounds to me if no clear sample is used
Most the time I'll pick a name based on how the track sounds, but I've also named tracks in relation the the samples I've used. Usually the naming stage fo me comes somewhere between the track being half completed to 100% completed.

It's sometimes, only sometimes, interesting to build a track around a name. I don't do this very often however because if the project file already has a proper name on it then I think it's already a finished track.
usually on a sample or a recent personal event to start with. this usually changes a few times as the tune goes on till it's finished. if i'm using vocals for a main hook or something then it will usually end up as that.
This is the hardest part of making a tune for me!
I find that I like having a name as early as possible (helps with saving files etc) but also that it helps me focus and keep a goal or mood for the track. But coming up with names is horrible.
The name usually comes from the sample or what i feel the track represents. I dont have trouble naming tracks but i had some crappy names when i first started.
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