Misti - Release The Hounds

Nice, some bold sounds in here, tune sounds nice overall. The bass sounds good.
Perhaps try and use the same synth but vary it up every 4 bars so it kinda goes up then down (don't know if I explained this very well but I can hear it in my head lol). It sounds a little bit repetitive is all - although the sound is great I think it needs some variation.
Trying to use this as an example - though the sounds arent the same I'm trying to get across the point of the 4bar switchup throughout the tune
Nice tune though man
Cheers folks, appreciate yous taking the time to listen and give some feedback! I'll definitely get to work on changing it up and varying the sounds ASAP - think the 4 bar switch ups is a great idea and maybe some more attenuating filter automation on the bass to give it some more life for a bass breakdown. I'll mess about with it, cheers guys :)
Good bass sounds. Love the breakdown sounds too. The lead up to the breakdown doesn't have enough energy to pop into the breakdown imo... maybe some different drum work there? Also I like the concept but I think the synth line is a little too all over the place with the lfo - keep it a little more simple so it you can catch a groove as a listener. I would have probably preferred about half the lfo speed of filter on the synth for the first part.. there's enough energy with the drums and bass to support that. Good work on this
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