Well, if you were actually serious, buss the bass and hats together, and saturate a bit. makes the hats break up.
Actually you could just loop breaks, sample random soundtracks, repeat a bassline through it all and saturate the lot.
was just wondering if any1 knew how to create my own metalheadz style sound on eitha logic or reason, as tht label has dat distinct sound, any tips from basslines, to FX would help..safe
elmaruk those tricks are more liek virus than metalheadz
aand nice tune in your sig btw
hmm, 2many trolls lately
You can spell "established" but yet i see "Sektor" under your username...
i no troll...
loool haa. cba arguin on a forum but heres tha last blast from me....
nah im nt a TROLL
i kno how to spell "sector" u twit i chose "sektor" on purpose, but its funny tho coz artists like "majistrate" isnt spelt correctly but u wont sayto shit to dat loool
and finally..jump off ma thread if u nt gna say anything productive yeah...
'majistrate' is actually spelt correctly... http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/magistrate
...and use your ears. BTW if I knew how to recreate the Metalheadz sound then i'm not gonna tell you the secret to making tunes that could put you at the top of the scene... learn to experiment, don't be lazy and post on a forum asking for random people to tell you the result of years of trial and error in the studio... i find that pretty offensive tbh, it's pm like you can't be arsed to put the hard work in and it's like you expect it to be handed to you on a plate...
and also 'that metalheadz sound' is a very broad term... post examples of the sound you wish to get, ask politely, and then you may get some help.