Melodic dnb with a dash of sub bass

Oct 28, 2017
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Hello again peeps of this forum, hope you're having a good weekend so far.

Finished a track of mine yesterday, and was once again hoping for those sweet sweet oppinions of yours.

Lend your trained ear to me: are the low ends of this track too overpronounced? i think i might have to get new speakers, coz i cant seem to be 100% sure..... :/

anyway, thanks in advance to those 10% of people who click on this post and actually comment, one love <3

Real nice bruv!
I like the way ur reese ev0lves!
H0w l0ng d0es it usually take u t0 finish a tune mate?
And what synths fav0rite plugins d0 u use?

thanks dumpster, can always count on you to break the silence! ;)

as for how long it takes me to make a song, it really depends man, i just have a big backlog of unfinished tracks and ideas. so bit by bit i revisit them, leave em for a bit, then revisit until i manage to finish smth. so really hard to give you a number of hours or days. if id have to guess its probably around 20-30 hours for this song? dont take my word for it though...

I actually dont really have a fav plugin. I constantly switch around and look for other shit. if you wanna know what that main synth lead melody is that starts at 1:90, it's actually from a Dr. Dre Hip-Hop sample pack. i just tweaked it and put fuck-tons of filters/eqs/whatever else if could on it :)

Maybe i'd like the snare a bit m0re stere0 narr0w [the tail at least] and a bit m0re high frequencies t0 it!

funny you say that, i was trying to let some high frequencies shine through a bit more, but with my setup it started to sound too harsh on the ears. i think my speakers are overamplifying the highs for some reason....
thanks dumpster, can always count on you to break the silence! ;)

as for how long it takes me to make a song, it really depends man, i just have a big backlog of unfinished tracks and ideas. so bit by bit i revisit them, leave em for a bit, then revisit until i manage to finish smth. so really hard to give you a number of hours or days. if id have to guess its probably around 20-30 hours for this song? dont take my word for it though...

I actually dont really have a fav plugin. I constantly switch around and look for other shit. if you wanna know what that main synth lead melody is that starts at 1:90, it's actually from a Dr. Dre Hip-Hop sample pack. i just tweaked it and put fuck-tons of filters/eqs/whatever else if could on it :)

funny you say that, i was trying to let some high frequencies shine through a bit more, but with my setup it started to sound too harsh on the ears. i think my speakers are overamplifying the highs for some reason....
Thanks f0r replying man! What speakers d0 u use?
Needs more sub-bass, and before you go off thinking, "but I did want to much sub bass." stop. Your bass sounds amateur because of it. Also, that snare needs some shaping in the tail, it might be beneficial to shape the second snare with a different tail. Not that the snare is all that just needs a bit more processing.
All the effects and synth work is cool and interesting to listen to.

Overall decent track buddy.
Needs more sub-bass, and before you go off thinking, "but I did want to much sub bass." stop. Your bass sounds amateur because of it. Also, that snare needs some shaping in the tail, it might be beneficial to shape the second snare with a different tail. Not that the snare is all that just needs a bit more processing.
All the effects and synth work is cool and interesting to listen to.

Overall decent track buddy.

damn, more sub bass? like just in volume? drive it more? or what do you mean? here i thought that i already had too much sub bass :D
but thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciate it! i'll definitely work the snare in the eventual re-work
Nice work man, those big cinematic hits and drums in the build are awesome! The intro and build up are really good, definitely catching the vibe here, flows so nicely. As far as the balancing goes I'm liking where the synth is sitting, but the snare feels a little suffocated/flat in comparison, but sounds like you've already got something in mind for that. Can't wait to see where you go with this one dude!
damn, more sub bass? like just in volume? drive it more? or what do you mean? here i thought that i already had too much sub bass :D
but thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciate it! i'll definitely work the snare in the eventual re-work
More like balance of the mix. Isolate the sub so it almost hugs the rest of the track. Like a bun on a hot dog. Sure the hot dog is the main feature but the bun makes it a hot dog. Or whatever phallic food analogy with bread you choose.
Nice work man, those big cinematic hits and drums in the build are awesome! The intro and build up are really good, definitely catching the vibe here, flows so nicely. As far as the balancing goes I'm liking where the synth is sitting, but the snare feels a little suffocated/flat in comparison, but sounds like you've already got something in mind for that. Can't wait to see where you go with this one dude!

thanks bro, made my day. it seems like almost everyone here agrees on the snares, so i'll definitely revisit it as soon as i got the time. :2thumbs:

More like balance of the mix. Isolate the sub so it almost hugs the rest of the track. Like a bun on a hot dog. Sure the hot dog is the main feature but the bun makes it a hot dog. Or whatever phallic food analogy with bread you choose.

i see. ok, ill play around with that for sure! let's see what i can bake up....
thanks for taking the time to listen, always grateful for opinions from somebody thats more experienced than me!
I was gonna say, aside from the sub-bass maybe eq'ing a few things to cover the mid-range a bit better? I'm getting bass and treble but a bit of a gap in the middle.
I would pop some fills in the drum pattern as well every couple of 16 bars.
STRONG ideas though in the composition (y)