
Keep MC's?

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Lurker alert!
Sep 18, 2003
Do they actually think we want to listen to them? stupid twats. they never shut up. i hate them, all of them. half the time i can't understand them, and the times i do, they make no sense anyway. they also happen to have the most annoying voices and have their volume too loud.

down with mc's, please.
Well it depend's what type of MC your talking about, if you mean Skiba's and Shabba's I click "Yes" but if you mean Dynamite's, Darrison's, Trip's then I click "No".

I agree that all of this shouting, incoherent speech, asking the engineer to turn up the mic and rewinding should be banned for good. It has absolutly no purpose for the scene musically or creatively, quite simply its the reason drum and bass is never taken seriously,

I'm not voting though!!! :teeth:
bah, im sorry,but I hate the ones that you always hear in mixes.. but Ican stand them if they're like part of the song, if ya no wut I mean
mc's like tali are ok when they sing to the music, fine. but if they talk about shit or try to sing they need to be shot in the face a few times with an ak47.
I don't particularly like the current breed of MCs. The MCs in 1992 were kinda cool though because they would say short cliche phrases over the tunes at _appropriate_ times. Things like "COME ON", "Here it comes", "1, 2, 3, to the drop", and the classic "Show your appreciation, throw your hands up high, into the sky" followed by "Make some noize for the haaaaaaaardkoooore"

Now-a-days MCs think they're rap stars and shout out indecypherable lyrics at the top of their lungs. Please, enough is enough. The worst I ever witnessed was at this "Sut Pens Jungle" even in Philly, USA (Don't ask me what a "Sut Pen" is, I haven't a frikken clue). At this event there was two obnoxious MCs going at it at the same time and I think at one point they tried to fight eachother. MC Navigator and the other guy was a dark skined MC.

Actually though..... I think some of these MCs might be fun to listen to in a minimal techno set. Because for the most part that music is so sparse that the MCs might actually liven it up.

PS: MC Conrad and MC Fats are "A-OK" in my book though.
skope said:
i'm amazed no ones thought of this thread before :biggrin:

Yet I'll manage to muster up a somewhat different response each time its asked. I'm sure this responce in this thread from me is less hostile then previous responses. Probably because I don't really care as much. I also go out a lot less then I did in the past so I don't even have to put up with MCs and all that club BS.
I agree that there are some proper shite mc's out there and i dont like Radio mc's at all but at raves they are the tits Skiba and Shaba are and obvious example. At raves the mcs keep the crowd going but on radio they just drone on about shouts to ppl :/
Many top flite MCs would be a lot better if they just took a fucking breath (that wasn't laced with cocaine) every few minutes.

Saw Skiba few months ago, and he is a sick rhymer, but FUCKING BLING FUCKING BLING !!!
Enough already.

I love MCs and I love hip hop, but some of the best nites I've been too had not a mic in sight.
In fact I know several Oz promoters have that as a strict policy, ie Break and Enter.

Definitely a question of restraint and remembering that the mic volume is on the DJ mixer, and can be USED at will by same DJ !!
I'm not a massive fan of MCs but I think there would be something missing from the atmosphere at most nights without them.

Even a night like Technicality that's all about the beats it's still good to a have a decent MC to get the crowd going a bit more.

They can fuck off on the radio or tapes etc. though!
i cant really vote because the only mc's i've seen have been the few that, like 1992 said, just say a few things, like here comes the drop, or "READY FOR THE BREAKDOWN!" though the funniest thing was someone said that.. and i just burst out laughing, cos the dj dropped in another tune and the mc just wasnt expecting it, didnt see many people take any notice of it though, prolly thought i was a fuckn idiot..
mesh said:
Definitely a question of restraint and remembering that the mic volume is on the DJ mixer, and can be USED at will by same DJ !!

And result in a smack round the face from said MC so I've heard.
They're a waste of a fathers' jizz IMO
oh, whats worse is when they have their OWN mixer!!! thats a scary thought..
If i had seen that happen I would feel the same way, are you serious ?
bloody shocker.
I seen people get taken out off a stage for rude behaviour like that, and i mean three people piling onto someone acting like a prick and dragging them outside ... that shit doesn't fly at all.
Djs must take control.
SPo0n said:
Do they actually think we want to listen to them? stupid twats. they never shut up. i hate them, all of them. half the time i can't understand them, and the times i do, they make no sense anyway. they also happen to have the most annoying voices and have their volume too loud.

down with mc's, please.
I TOTALLY agree. i just recently felt like leaving a venue because of this mc's annoying rants during and AWESOME dnb set .... ruins the music i think. some are fine, but i think in dnb, the music should speak for itself.
mesh said:
Definitely a question of restraint and remembering that the mic volume is on the DJ mixer, and can be USED at will by same DJ !!

It rarely is at larger events. Majority of the time the microphones are run seperately, in order to hand over the control to the sound engineer...

Hence 'Sound engineer turn up the mic!' several hundred times a night by Shabba :twitchy:
I suppose that's true about mic volume, Ive only played smaller club gigs, so maybe a good thing ...
just cant bring myself to give up on them yet though, must be a sucker. We dont have them every gig here anywayz.

I remember once Warren G was playing with SS, screaming for the rewind as he caught my eye in the crowd. I shook my head once, and he actually backed out ! "No rewind."