DnB Matter Of Perspective

Hello newcaise! Nice track, love the atmo and relaxed vibe of it. :cool: I feel it's a bit long and it's parts are a bit stretched for me. Personally I prefer to have changes quicker coming, each 8/16 bars. The piano chords go on for far too long imo. Maybe adding vocals would change that. Soundwise this one is pretty good. I suggest to turn the reverb further north, will enhance clarity. Please look up how to edit chord notes (piano) to avoid having them sound too mechanical. Otherwise pretty good work man, like this track! :2thumbs:
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Hello newcaise! Nice track, love the s and relaxed vibe of it. :cool: I feel it's a bit long and it's parts are a bit stretched for me. Personally I prefer to have changes quicker coming, each 8/16 bars. The piano chords go on for far too long imo. Maybe adding vocals would change that. Soundwise this on is pretty good. I suggest to turn the reverb further north, will enhance clarity. Please look up how to edit chord notes (piano) to avoid having them sound too mechanical. Otherwise pretty good work man, like this track! :2thumbs:
Will further look into adding some variation man
Pretty much agree with Masch, get some more variation and maybe filter out some parts whilst filtering other ones in to smooth over transitions etc. Nice tune to listen to tho, good effort.
Its proper nice to hear that dude, keep posting tunes and we'll try and help where we can :)