Man Vs Machine - 2 part selection

jay walker

1/2 of Passive/Aggressive
VIP Junglist
Jan 15, 2003
between a rock and a hard place, Hants
I needed an excuse to do a project-type mix, So here it is -
Man Vs. Machine : A 2-part ripup selection putting manual mixing up against a computer-based selection.

The Man mix:
Some off the sickest double-drops you’ll hear this year, the most hectic mixes and
never letting up for a seconds breath before slapping you round the face with a rib-crusher of a tune!


*<<< Tease

1. Sound Advice – EZ Rollers/Roni Size
Atlantis – Bad Company/Moving Fusion*<<<
2. Nosher – Baron VIP
3. Hotness – Dynamite MC & Origin Unknown
4. Beastman – Ram Trilogy*<<<
5. Sound Assult – Audio & Mackie
6. Paranoia – The Militia*<<<
7. We Want Your Soul – Ed Rush / Freeland
8. Screamer – Ram Trilogy
9. Body Snatcher – Generation Dub
10. Hells Fire – Keepers of the Peace
11. Trail of Sevens – Pendulum
12. Gimp Mask remix – Twisted Individual*<<<
13. Bunker Buster – Resonant Evil
14. Hand Grenade – SBLS / Twisted Individual
15. Crap Rinse Out remix – Twisted Individual & APB
16. Spellbinder – Nightwalker
17. Epilogue VIP – Rawthang
18. Dead Man Walking – Fresh
19. Killer Bees – Dillinja / Usual Suspects
20. Vault – Pendulum
21. Bandwagon Blues – Twisted Individual
22. Doorway – Usual Suspects
23. The Map – Ram Trilogy
24. Raining Blood – Concord Dawn
25. Bombrun – Mosquito
26. What Bass? – Lemon D
27. Stand Clear – M.O.P. & Origin Unknown
28. FireBall – Audio & Mackie
29. Rusty Sheriffs Badge – Twisted Individual
30. All In My Head – Technical Itch

Machine Mix
Had a built up a collection on my PC of hot tunes including unsigned tracks
(check my first tune in the mix - feedback appricated) and needed an excuse to put them into a mix,
hence the 2 parts. Bigup tha Soulseekaz! ;)


1. Space Odessey - Fresh
2. Gangs - Bad Ace Inc :chainsaw:
3. Bring It on - Keaton & Hive
4. Souls - Bad Ace Inc.
5. System Overload - Tha’ Whoodid Klaww :devilslay
6. Ferrit - Bad Ace Inc.
7. Back to you - Pendulum
8. Deflector - Temper D & K-Fire
9. 2046 - Stranjah
10. Traffic - Drumfire
11. The Ruckus VIP - Dkay
12. Cactus Funk - Fresh

As always, props to Kidkut - the man runnin business @ :2thumbs:
Oh, an Badman Aceino for the cuts - Boh! :not_worth

Njoi - :gaywhite:
Hootie hooo the man from Zante is back in business & I gotta say mt tan ain't bad either!! I'll be checking this out tonight Jay I hear the production is coming along well :dynamite:
whoodidklaww said:
Yes now - production is tightening up for sure!

Check you in the week amigo
Two phat mixes, big up Jay!

See you Friday no doubt bro :slayer:
Anyone else feeling the machine mix? :rolleyes:

1. Space Odessey - Fresh
2. Gangs - Bad Ace Inc
3. Bring It on - Keaton & Hive
4. Souls - Bad Ace Inc.
5. System Overload - Tha’ Whoodid Klaww
6. Ferrit - Bad Ace Inc.
7. Back to you - Pendulum
8. Deflector - Temper D & K-Fire
9. 2046 - Stranjah
10. Traffic - Drumfire
11. The Ruckus VIP - Dkay
12. Cactus Funk - Fresh

oh my god sorry but i just had to bump this thread to big up jay walker!!!! i been lookin for a certain tune for as long as i can remember and this mix and tracklist has revealed that it is in fact doorway by usual suspects!!! boh boh boh boh big up ya chest
Posted by Standby - 16-11-2003 at 00:21
oh my god sorry but i just had to bump this thread to big up jay walker!!!! i been lookin for a certain tune for as long as i can remember and this mix and tracklist has revealed that it is in fact doorway by usual suspects!!! boh boh boh boh big up ya chest

I aim to please mate, Deep tune, aint it? - I was looking though my “older an lesser known-tracks” pile, an didnt know what it was myself!

Posted by systemseven - 16-11-2003 at 17:03
SICK! Now, how about a 192kbps version? Or am I pushing my luck?

The mix is hosted gratiously by, Which mix you on about? If its the MAN mix, I could prolly sort you out.

Are you on Soulseek? you could nab it off me there. Lemme know bro!
loving the man mix, and the machine mix aswell, but just loving the double dropping on the man mix!! and i love that tune what bass by lemon d! classic!!

i wouldnt mind a higher quality mp3 for some spankage of car subwoofer ;)

anyways loving all your mixes, they are top notch!!
ATOMiC-UK loving the man mix, and the machine mix aswell, but just loving the double dropping on the man mix!! and i love that tune what bass by lemon d! classic!!

i wouldnt mind a higher quality mp3 for some spankage of car subwoofer

anyways loving all your mixes, they are top notch!!

Thanks Bro - Glad you feeling the mixes, the Duttiest IMO is Epilogue VIP – Rawthang >>> Dead Man Walking – Fresh, Be'lee dat playa! :eek:

'What Bass?' is one of the few tunes that always gets a space in my box every time I leave the house - A sure-fire dance starter! :mr_cool:

This is the 192kbs MP3 download link -

Quality should be enough to rip you woofer up! ;-)

PM me if the 'quality doesnt meet up to your expectations' - an ill see what I can do 8)