what pendulum did was different to any other artist that has become bigger than the rest of the scene, they are a shit rock band who used dnb, computer software and some help from DJ Fresh to become famous and now they've gone back to being a shit rock band
pendulum aside tho, personally i think the biggest problem stopping dnb from breaking through is as soon as someone gets some kudos outside the scene everyone cusses them for selling out, already happening with c&s and will happen with sub focus/brookes bros/high contrast if they do it, we have to stop shooting ourselves in the foot!!
there's a few more issues that are gonna slow it down tho, especially the fact that a decent soundsystem helps, any dnb tune isn't going to sound any where near what it should be like on a building site radio, and even if tunes get played at oceana style clubs then the DJ never EQs anything properly...