Absoloute heavy weight piece of vinyl that has been produced here.
Wild outdoor rave style stabs, open sinisterly into some sneaky 303 piano jives that slowly start to corrupt the space left behind the main drum shake.
A growling filtered electric rain effect sweeps down into the pattern & shrouds everything in it's way, until the drum beat suddenly disappears & were left with those enchanting piano chords again seeping into each ear. Once under the spell of this mind controlling device that shroud of black sound appears bigger then ever, calmly winding itself up with the help of a simple hi-hat, you instantly get pulled into one hell of a contagious riff.
The sheer velocity & excitment that is placed into this track is breath-taking & will set any pulse racing & yearning for more.
A monstorous b-line errupts throughout ricocheting some small metallic FX into the work, & then begins to call the main snare hit into action. This helps to bring in all the other percussion elements along with some spooky pads, so they can march into the almost calming flip that unexpectedly appears.
The grittiness is still emphasised in the track through the continous drum work & neatly selected conga pattern that flickers along, but those piano chords appear once again just to ease the listener into another well timed break.
This one takes a little longer to build but as soon as you appear from the other side the pace is stepped up once again by a quick key shift in the rising stab that appears.
Terror in the making!!
Overall: 9/10
Human Error
An aerospace sized resse filter pattern churns above some tech-boned single key hits & a skip style drum pattern before the main filtered sound takes control of the piece & whisks it all into a very tense but controlled drop.
I like the way that only a few sounds had to be used to create the build up, & the way it instantly plunges straight into the wavey filter & bio-mechanical drums.
Straight forward snare attacks, & quick cuts of the drum pattern allows new shakers & hi-hats to enter underneath the main b-line & add a slick piece of versatility & variety into each section of the track.
This is a great B side & will get just as many plays as 'Cybernetik' if not more.
Overall 9/10
Absoloute heavy weight piece of vinyl that has been produced here.
Wild outdoor rave style stabs, open sinisterly into some sneaky 303 piano jives that slowly start to corrupt the space left behind the main drum shake.
A growling filtered electric rain effect sweeps down into the pattern & shrouds everything in it's way, until the drum beat suddenly disappears & were left with those enchanting piano chords again seeping into each ear. Once under the spell of this mind controlling device that shroud of black sound appears bigger then ever, calmly winding itself up with the help of a simple hi-hat, you instantly get pulled into one hell of a contagious riff.
The sheer velocity & excitment that is placed into this track is breath-taking & will set any pulse racing & yearning for more.
A monstorous b-line errupts throughout ricocheting some small metallic FX into the work, & then begins to call the main snare hit into action. This helps to bring in all the other percussion elements along with some spooky pads, so they can march into the almost calming flip that unexpectedly appears.
The grittiness is still emphasised in the track through the continous drum work & neatly selected conga pattern that flickers along, but those piano chords appear once again just to ease the listener into another well timed break.
This one takes a little longer to build but as soon as you appear from the other side the pace is stepped up once again by a quick key shift in the rising stab that appears.
Terror in the making!!
Overall: 9/10
Human Error
An aerospace sized resse filter pattern churns above some tech-boned single key hits & a skip style drum pattern before the main filtered sound takes control of the piece & whisks it all into a very tense but controlled drop.
I like the way that only a few sounds had to be used to create the build up, & the way it instantly plunges straight into the wavey filter & bio-mechanical drums.
Straight forward snare attacks, & quick cuts of the drum pattern allows new shakers & hi-hats to enter underneath the main b-line & add a slick piece of versatility & variety into each section of the track.
This is a great B side & will get just as many plays as 'Cybernetik' if not more.
Overall 9/10