Catch my debut set on tonight at 10pm GMT
I'll be playing a selection of old skool Renegade Hardware, Cylon, Outbreak and Biotic stuff from the likes of Dylan, Loxy, Ink, Facs, Tech Itch, BKey etc.
If all goes well, I'll be doing a weekly pots n pans show playing the likes of Current Value, Limewax, Lucio, Counterstrike, Donny, Dylan, Hostage, Freqax, The Panacea, Nanotek, Peter Kurten and more!

The Gambit
I'll be playing a selection of old skool Renegade Hardware, Cylon, Outbreak and Biotic stuff from the likes of Dylan, Loxy, Ink, Facs, Tech Itch, BKey etc.
If all goes well, I'll be doing a weekly pots n pans show playing the likes of Current Value, Limewax, Lucio, Counterstrike, Donny, Dylan, Hostage, Freqax, The Panacea, Nanotek, Peter Kurten and more!

The Gambit