For me, the current state or boom in dnb started around 2013.
From 2008 to 2012, there was so much shitty music pumped out aimed at the brostep people, and some music pushed in a very Radio friendly direction. Those tunes are still made, but the people who discovered dnb through netsky for example, are now finding old tunes, classics, and getting into techy, deep, soulful music again.
for Example, I think Nu:logic's What I've Always Waited For with tunes like Everlasting Days and Trippin' in Space was a huge record for 2013, and one of the albums that marked the return to many artists roots. It wasn't a massively ground breaking album sound wise, but it was an album that had a bit of an soulful, sample based sound, full of breaks, but was pretty popular amongst a lot of people, but just the guys that like sample based, soulful tunes.
Obviously thats just one example of tons of great music that came out during the early 2010's, and there is still tons of crappy music made and a lot of "pop" sounding dnb, but the underground has grown bigger and more tight knit as a community.
The scene is still growing and theres more great music coming out every year, and some of the bigger guys on the scene are not feeling as much like they need to make a Top 40 hit (Although some try anyway), because theres a growing fanbase of proper dnb tunes.