Lets push things forward


This is Dog Fort
VIP Junglist
Nov 29, 2001
Right, in attempt to make this site even better! I need you guys to tell me what we need :gun: :sleep: :slayer: :twisted:

What would YOU like to see on dnbforum?

Anything goes, just tell me! By saying what you want does NOT mean it will be added to the site though :crazy:


(BTW, if you think you could be a part of one of the biggest up-and-coming DNB sites, please get in contact)
I don't know but I think its pretty good the way it is. I don't want to see this place turn into DOA thats for certain. I'd like to see the user content to remain at a sort of inteligent level vs. doa which is 90% sex and toilet humor threads. I think (I said THINK) part of DOA's downfall was getting so involved with keeping the dnb elders happy that the content (and moderators) degraded. It worries me when I see Formation banners dancing around in the top right hand corner because I fear 1984 will come to this forum and we won't be able to say anything negative about Formation w/o getting scolded. Of course I'm being paranoid, thats what I do. :2thumbs:
OMG! That was quality Mulla :LOL:

No 1984, the book and movie by Orwell.
I think on DOA it's nothing more than the scale that fucks it up. It's real hard to keep a converstaion as they go to the bottom of the pile very quickly and I'm damned if I can be arse with all those emails when subscribed threads get written on. It's just totally impersonal.
Also everyone on here can accept that opinions are a personal thing and there's no right or wrong music taste hence no flame wars (even if 1992 does go shouting his opinion around a lot :biggrin: ).
At the end of the day if you don't like something no matter how much you get people saying it's the future of dnb and blah blah blah you'll not like it any more, you'll probably like it less. And if some dumb fuck overlooks good records when shopiing then that's their loss isn't it. No amount of flames and so on will really make a change.
We got a nice set of users and some good fucntions here and as far as forums go it's the pick of the bunch I reckon.
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There should be a section every week where you guys all send me money to supplement my university fee's, like the fornightly mix ou can all take it in turn... cant say fairer than that! More useful comments will soon follow when less tired.

How about a readers wive's / girlfriend's section :slayer:

Sorry, I'll come up with something a bit more sensible when I've had a think
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Originally posted by 1992
OMG! That was quality Mulla :LOL:

No 1984, the book and movie by Orwell.

A very shabby book indeed, nearly as bad as Animal Farm ... :laugh:

I think this site and the forum are FANTASSSTIQUE :thumbsup: ...

To make it better though, you could have me as moderator and get rid of them half nude avatars :biggrin:

Oh and get some embarrasing photos of you lot mash up in the picture section. :laugh:
Originally posted by ZESTIE
A very shabby book indeed, nearly as bad as Animal Farm ... :laugh:

Animal Farm?. I think thats the film that my mate was talking about in the pub the other day. Said it didn't have a very good plot though. Just horny foreign women and various animals....

:laugh: :laugh:

I'll ask him if you can borrow it if you want Zestie. He reckons it's much better than the book.....


Oh yeah, is the top ten page still in the pipeline?. I get slagged off on the Arena now as I apparently lie about the tunes I have to make myself look "cool", haha.
Originally posted by Caution
Animal Farm?. I think thats the film that my mate was talking about in the pub the other day. Said it didn't have a very good plot though. Just horny foreign women and various animals....

:laugh: :laugh:

I'll ask him if you can borrow it if you want Zestie. He reckons it's much better than the book.....


Oh yeah, is the top ten page still in the pipeline?. I get slagged off on the Arena now as I apparently lie about the tunes I have to make myself look "cool", haha.

:laugh: :rolleyes: :shake: :tut: :laugh:
The forum is phattest at the mo - but what about people sending their mixes in on cd/md (good quality of course!!), an you guy pick set of the week/fortnight/month? itll give a showcase spot for up-an-coming djs, instead of forum members having to put links up themselves, an hope people will listen.

an that thread for breaks and shit? I got no connection to that bad boy!

Cant wait till the Valve hit pompey - ra-ta-ta-ti!
Ill be there at 9 on the dot - im just listening to the dillinja mash-up you did! Jus what everyone needs in their life!
anyone else reading this - who aint check SDMs Dillinja mix - your loss, but you can fix that - go to the mixes section Hey! Hey!

a i got inta the breaks x-change too, cheers.