DnB Just a feedback

sounds real phat and nice! just maybe less of the reverb sounding like a metal room and more like a stadium or something, perhaps if u want the vocal to be a subtle layer and not a lead then u could stereo expand/spread it and then use more of a wide frequency that high passed :) just my ideas, sounds sick though!
thanks, i edited the vocal right before i read your post :) i agree with the reverb it sound a little bit wierd maybe but i will do something about it... any other suggestions anyone? :)
Nice driving feeling. The middle part, from about :47 to 1:07 (the breakdown?), seemed like the meat of the track, but it was also the shortest. For my personal taste, I might consider adding more to the beginning/ending sections to make them feel more solidly the main part of the song; otherwise I guess I might expand the breakdown to make it a substantial part of the song. I did like the drum groove, and the turnaround at about :24.
thanks man, ill definitely work on that stuff later this is just an idea ..i think.. which through time expanded into something :D but nevertheless thanks for the suggestions they are always really helpfull
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