

Mar 25, 2003
Buffalo Ny
how does their online ordering work?

you place an order they send you confirmation of the order then don't tell you if they have it and they do tell you if they don't?

first time i've ordered from them and i'm confused, i got no email saying they had what i ordered...but the money is taken out of my account.
and their service department apparently takes 24-36 hours to respond.
u normally order, then next day they send you an email saying if you have the goods or not. then the day after, the goods arrive.

never had a problem with juno, used them a lot of times in the past :) all about kaizen and redeye (for the reserve service) these days though.

cuz i never got an email like that....but the money is being debited from my account....

it'd be sweet if they had it (keaton ep) but i got another order going through today and i might have to trim a few things off it so i can eat next week.
cuz i never got a confirmation i thought the keaton ep wasn't going through...so i was like...sweet i got money to eat next week...but now things are kinda off.
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