It's Freak time - Submit freakish questions for Dylan

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This is Dog Fort
VIP Junglist
Nov 29, 2001

That's right, we are doing an exclusive interview with Freak Recordings boss, Dylan!

To submit your questions, either reply to this thread or send an email to :spliff:

For more information on Dylan and Freak Recordings, check his web site at;
Wooo hooo this is hopefully going to be one of the best so far.

Question: Was the initial idea behind Freak Recordings to bring a continental production crew together over each release, or was it just coincedence?
do you have a rough idea when the album will be out. and will it be mostly compilation tracks like legend? or ur and tech itch's own solo production stuff!? thaaaaaaanks :spliff:
Bigups for the replies and e-mail's so far - Please keep them coming! :spliff:
what do u suggest at the first sign of a cold?
When you were working for Alpha Magic & people said you owned loads of labels what was your initial reaction to them. Did you feel you had to tell them instantly they weren't your's or did you play on the idea that you were an absoloute daddy at creating successful record labels :2thumbs:
1) any chance for a future kemal release? coz afterall ur label is called the freak recs.
2) any collaborations for the future with the likes of dom, kemal, future prophecies, klute?
3) How many joints do u smoke a day?
4) have u got a tattoo on ur ass? :spliff:
5) top 10+ tunes of all time...
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