Is staying away from production for a while a good idea?


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VIP Junglist
May 15, 2011
Howdy everyone :)

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much on here recently. Thats cause I have little to talk about as yet again, I have writers block!

My plan is to just stay well clear of production for say a week or two until I really feel like getting back into it. It is especially frustrating as I want to start some new projects but I simply can't :lol:

Cheers en :D
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Yeah take a break.
Listen to as many different genres as possible.
If you make strictly drum and bass, don't listen to any for a while.

Try not listening to any electronic dance music at all.

Yeah, I have actually been listening to loads of electronic music non stop actually! Maybe I will go for an indie phase or something :P

Sampling is cool indeed mate, although I haven't explored it to its full potential for sure! Thanks for the link, will check in a bit!
Yeah, u should do that. At least thats wat i used to do. And whenever i felt like doing sth productive i just played around with some synths/breaks.
I think one of the best cures is to try something new. Or go into project not intending to come out with a finished tune.
Been working on some guitar orientated compositions Aid :) But still on the 'Bass Music' side of things no real luck as of yet, I have stuff, it just hasn't clicked! :lol:
I always get my inspiration from other genres and music/songs combined with a feeling.

All above mention those songs and genre switches when listening to music, but what really makes or breaks a track in my opinion is the sincerity behind it.
If you throw your heart and soul in it (nevermind how gay that sounds) the song will come out a lot better ;)

Try doing some activities you don't normally, that you enjoy a lot. Then think what you hum while doing it (if you hum at all). This proves to be excellent material for melodies, anyway.
Capture the moment, feel the feeling! :D
Take this as an opportunity to water your patch garden if, you know what I mean! haha!


Make an embers track :teeth:
^^what he said.other pensados place.local charity shop-buy some old vinyl listen and sample.
ive just got into sampling and every quid i get i just wanna spend on some old record.soo much fun!
for example check this out're%20Puttin')%20a%20Rush%20on%20Me/
you can do some ridiculous shit man

yeah love this website, if feeling uninspired just go on here and look at what my favorite producers have sampled and then go and listen to similar music from the same artist genre until i find something that takes my fancy. Not sure there any right or wrong answer you might feel like you in a rut but keep trying at it will click again at some unexpected moment.
When I take a long break from playing instruments and shit I always surprise myself when I get back at it, playing things I didn't know I didn't know andshit.

I say go for it, feels good, man! Can't keep flogging a dead horse and just getting more and more frustrated it's better to just chill for a while.
Yeah i took a few weeks break from DnB when i had writers block, i found myself producing hip hop instead and i ended up learning alot that i wouldnt have with DnB. I also find re watching masterclasses inspires me to start making something or going to gigs inspires me as well.

Sampling is a good one too because it takes you on a journey through potentially any genre of music and can inspire you in all types of ways. i've started producing atmospherical music which i never thought i would do a couple of months ago, let alone even listen to
Wow thanks for all the helpful responses! :P

Whosampled is wicked and hip hop sounds fun yogi, may have a crack at that!
Welcome to my world!

Yep, steer clear for a while. Like I've said before, I get writers block pretty much everytime I finish a track! Takes me ages before I can get back into it again.....frustrating as hell, but I've learned to live with it, and dont push it. Thats the most important thing, if you keep trying, you'll only make it worse.
I think one of the best cures is to try something new. Or go into project not intending to come out with a finished tune.

these are great ideas. stimulate. dont try something too out of the ordinary though, dont learn a new instrument and focus on for example fiddle based music when making dnb is like flowing water. i took up the electric guitar and black metal and it is sooooooooo flipping difficult to do compared to my dnb.
Yes mate, I think it's a great idea a lot of the time, if you feel you're not coming out with top stuff there and then...
There's so much you can do while not making music that will help you later. What I like to do for example:
Just focus on everyday sounds you hear - in the outside world or on television / video games literally focus on any interesting sound you hear - might inspire you..
Also I like to do alot of thinking for concepts of a track I want to make. I find if I go straight into Logic and start with something random I will never finish the track- I like to have a fuckload of ideas and inspirations before I even get started. I write all these down in a Diary as well so I have loads of ideas infront of me for when the time comes.
As well as just thinking of concepts I like to amass a large and very particular sound palette for my next track! (Also note I think it's best to always take 1 song at a time and spend a good few weeks or months on it!) I think the most fun part of making music is the experimenting with sounds I do before I even make music - just recording anything and everything with a portable mic - like stuff in the kitchen or garden etc...
Also I like to find a shitload of samples online for my track as new sounds keep you interested!
Maybe even find a new synth to try out- though it's important to have a synth mastered normally so you can really get some sick sounds and know what your doing.... SAFE
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