is it fruity or is it my sound card


double safety
VIP Junglist
Mar 15, 2007
raglan, nz
basically when ever i get properly stuck into a tune, using lots of plugins and effects, the tune starts skipping/jumping and just generally fucking about. is it my sound card, my computer, fruity loops or just me?
most probly fruity if ur overloadin it with plugins an shit ive herd it fucks up.
dont take my word for it tho as i dont use fruity.
This is a common occurance in fruity an even if u up your memory it will still crackle, it just wont crackle as soon as a pc with less memo.
Best advice i can give is dont use so many vst's, and export things that u dont need to constantly have a vst on.
Another tip is go to options>audio> and drag the buffer rate to the right as much as u want, mines on (260ms) but it will differ on your pc, this will make fruity seem slower, but it will last longer before it starts crackling, also turn the priority to highest.

This is a common occurance in fruity an even if u up your memory it will still crackle, it just wont crackle as soon as a pc with less memo.
Best advice i can give is dont use so many vst's, and export things that u dont need to constantly have a vst on.
Another tip is go to options>audio> and drag the buffer rate to the right as much as u want, mines on (260ms) but it will differ on your pc, this will make fruity seem slower, but it will last longer before it starts crackling, also turn the priority to highest.


no i mean your RAM bro.. i have 2gb in mine and it still crackles :lol: saying that though 2gb is nothing compared to alot of machines these days!
RAM doesnt really affect how many plugs you can roll at once. It's more linked to keeping samples and audio tracks in memory for fast access instead of seeking and loading them bit by bit from the disk. It's about processor speed and your audio interface: all the signals in those reverbs and delays and compressors have to be calculated in the CPU before they come out of your speakers. A good audio interface will help in this, but for a quick solution, download and install Asio4All drivers. You will then have to set the fruity device properly, hit F10 and click Audio on left and in the Output box select the Asio4All device.
another thing to try is smart disable....

go to.... tools > macros > switch smart disable for all plugins

now the plugins in the project will only turn on when they are needed ;)
if you have some complex synths and effects chains, bounce it all to wav, you can export patterns in the same way you export a whole song