DnB Intake & Shivaxi - Believe Ep (Offworld066) out now


Oct 23, 2009

Intake & Shivaxi - Believe Ep (Offworld066)

Release date: June 3rd 2019 worldwide at all good outlets.

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Intake and Shivaxi first appeared on Offworld Transmissions vol 7 with 'Unchained' so we're delighted to present a new ep from them for our next release.

Heading up the ep 'Believe' is a driving kick and percussion lead uplifting track. The lads are becoming known for their epic melodic style. Great hooks and synths are throughout this electric track aimed squarely at the dancefloor.

'When it's gone' is a beautiful full vocal affair with crisp off beat drums. Keys and sombre synths accompany the emotional vocal adding all the right touches with atmospheric pads accenting the mood.

Look out for more soon from them on forthcoming compilation Transmissions Volume 8 later this year.

Mastered at Kos.Mos.Music.Lab

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