Icicle tutorial in new Computer Music Mag

cant find the video at the moment tho spung, you could still help with that...
Nice one for the upload, they dont sell that magazine here in Portugal, cheers!

Anyone know where I can get the sabre and alix perez ones too? I've hear they're great but have no idea where to find them
Nice one for the upload, they dont sell that magazine here in Portugal, cheers!

Anyone know where I can get the sabre and alix perez ones too? I've hear they're great but have no idea where to find them

Good tutorial but yet again, the camera angles are shit. should be more closeups of the screen and the sequencers etc.
yeah thats what i was thinking, you kind of miss the little tweaks he does, but hey, my knowledge of comb filters is twofold what it used to be
yeah, one of my favourite tutorials so far. he really goes into depth about filters/distortion/stereo imaging etc. The drums he puts together are so sick too lol.
The quality of the CM Tutorials is ALWAYS below piss poor! They just get some guy with a naff camera to just film whatever he wants.

They're always full of useful info though.

The December edition of CM looks fuckin sick! Anyone got it yet? I'mma get it tomorrow I recon.