Welcome to the board inconnu,
In the future please post tracks to be reviewed
Here's some quick feedback:
Tune 1
The mix is quite even as it seems all of the elements are fitting within their own space well. If I'm being honest, the rap vocal kind kills the song for me. Maybe chop it up a bit more and use a few vocal stabs (like how you have the "yo yo") as opposed to full on verses. In terms of arrangement, the song needs help. It's essentially a continuous loop with no real tension, fills, breakdown(s), etc. As it stands, it's a very good start for a tune.
Tune 1
The mix isn't too bad here. That pad that drops around 2:40 into the song is bit much in that it's clashing with the other elements of the track. As with the first track, the song's arrangement lacks character and interest in that there are no fills, tension, etc. It seems to be a good skeleton for a tune, but it's going to need a bit more variety and sonic elements to make it a bit more interesting for the listener.
Having said all that, you're off to a good start. Keep banging away at it.