I'd love to see a video with you placing a reese sample into Ableton's sampler and utalizing some tricks & trips on modulation of the various functions of the built in effects like the filter envelope, oscillator, pitch envelope, saturator, glide, and intresting looping or triggering techniques. Possibly even a multi sampler instrument rack broken into frequency bands with different modulations and effects on each one.
I know the Ableton sampler is powerful, but I feel I'm lacking in what all it can offer in regards to bass and reeses. I could use some inspiration and to see some techniques from someone that knows it more in depth to get my reese basses phat, intresting, rhythmic, and just plain old better.
I've seen some basic videos on the subject, but nothing to intricate or inspiring. Seems to be more of them out there, but utilizing the Kontakt sampler instead.