DnB I´m so happy with this one...


Random Nolifer
Sep 16, 2016
Czech republic, Opava
Yo good netizens :)

Please check this one. I´m currently so happy... it´s something totally different, from what I did recently, but I think it has strong dancefloor vibes....

As always, I will be so happy for opinions etc etc ... however I think, that since I begun with production ( cca 8 months ago ), now it´s finally time when it doesn´t sound like comlete shit :)
Sound qualitiy is very decent on my speaker - nice work!
But it sounds a bit generated, i miss some "own" vibes or sound-design in it...

8 month? Respect, mate!
Nice man, good swing to it, could do with a bit more variation, imho, but considering you've only been producing for 8 months you're doing great man! Good energy to the tune.