Really nice mate, I really haven't got any usable feedback for you on this one besides that I liked Aftermath more then this one it sounded, fuller, bigger maybe I don't have the right term to back me up her but I guess you'll understand what I mean.
Cheers bud !
Really nice mate, I really haven't got any usable feedback for you on this one besides that I liked Aftermath more then this one it sounded, fuller, bigger maybe I don't have the right term to back me up her but I guess you'll understand what I mean.
Cheers bud !

Thanks for the feedback man, noted :)
This is way out of my league to even try to criticize the production. But I got to agree with psychoholic that aftermath is still your best one! I feel like that drowning sound perhaps brings the energy of the track down a bit. You maybe could try to hype the neuro sounds that answer that part a bit more to make you sorta "wake up" a bit more if you know what im trying to say lol.

I just brainstormed there for a bit... Anyhow, you have some amazing skills!
This is way out of my league to even try to criticize the production. But I got to agree with psychoholic that aftermath is still your best one! I feel like that drowning sound perhaps brings the energy of the track down a bit. You maybe could try to hype the neuro sounds that answer that part a bit more to make you sorta "wake up" a bit more if you know what im trying to say lol.

I just brainstormed there for a bit... Anyhow, you have some amazing skills!
No way that this is out of your league to criticize, that is solid feedback! :) Thank you for listening!
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