NO DONT. HTFR are total rubbish and are WIDELY known to rip people off and skank them. save yourselves money and time and go ANYWHERE else.
yeah, and it's not long after xmas, there are plenty of sales where you actually GET the product that you wanted and where there's a chance it's the genuine article. unlike with htfr.
i aint had much of a problem wiv em before other than ordering a bit of vinyl that went out of stock as i ordered it... plus they got some good deals in that sale... pair of wharfedale diamond 8.1 pro active monitors for £129! i've had a look on other sites and cant find em 4 less than 150! i reckon i'm gonna be baggin meself a pair!
nice1 for the post muzzadj
there is nothing wrong with HTFR atall, i used to use them all the time b4 i realised they are few weeks behind everyone else, i buy all my equiptment from there