pfft, show offAffliction said:**and now for the sensible answer**
all these methods that have been posted for fruity are pretty silly, fruity can quantize to a swing beat in the same way logic can...... absolutely no need to be messing around with pattern lengths and time signatures!
Just program your beat normally in the piano roll... menu > tools > quantize > select the "third-beat" template which should be in the "snap" folder..... and viola! Swing beat
sdm said:pfft, show off
Charlie Van Pelt said:Unfortunately, there might be a glut of swing tracks on the underground scene, now.
jay walker said:how many are gonna pull off a ripper and bring something new to the table?
Posted by Charlie Van Pelt - 12-11-2003 at 16:18
Sounds like a challenge!!
I'll be going slower on this one, anyway, since I'd like to start making tracks which don't sound so "2D," if you get my drift.
jay walker said:Bet you got sumpin special for this dnbscene/forum comp! cannae wait to hear results.