Hi there


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
Cheltenham UK
Alright guy and gals, I'm 32 (I know getting on a bit) and love D'n'B, Jungle and Old Skool as well as other bits and bobs, been Dj'ing for the best part of 16 years an vinyl is my weapon of choice, have also been into the production side of music for the last 9 month or so, all for fun

Here is my latest track, be good to hear some of your thoughts

Loki - The Grail

I am jwatwatson new to dnbforum..,
Very glad to be a part of here..
Looking for sharing a lot of stuff here. Nice to meet you all...
Hey! This is Arlenosco and as you can see all, I'm rather new around these parts.
I want to thank you for welcoming me to this great forum.
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