DnB Hey iam new and i need some feedback

Mar 28, 2016
Hey i am absolutely new to things like sharing and all that stuff. I would love to hear some feedback for my first tune i really finished.
Thank you very much ! :razz:

hello there! that's ur first track? wel if so u got a bright future in producing i believe ..
i love the weirdness and the mass of variations, well done, imo. the intro is awesome !!

sound needs quite a bit of work though, esp. the drums. think they need more punch and clarity. the cymbals in the back the most. try some EQing and transient shaping. difficult to say what u need to do as i don't know the system u are on, but the drums definitely need more room, punch and sharpness. i look forwrad to the next version ... (y)

Ps: writting some reviews of other tracks in this forum will sharply incrase chances getting more for ur track, so get ur fingers dirty mate. ;)
hello there! that's ur first track? wel if so u got a bright future in producing i believe ..
i love the weirdness and the mass of variations, well done, imo. the intro is awesome !!

sound needs quite a bit of work though, esp. the drums. think they need more punch and clarity. the cymbals in the back the most. try some EQing and transient shaping. difficult to say what u need to do as i don't know the system u are on, but the drums definitely need more room, punch and sharpness. i look forwrad to the next version ... (y)

Ps: writting some reviews of other tracks in this forum will sharply incrase chances getting more for ur track, so get ur fingers dirty mate. ;)

(sorry for my bad english ) Thanks alot :D This is my first feedback i have ever gotten and it really means much to me to hear that iam not on a total hopeless way ! :teeth:Yeah i am not really happy with the drums (especially the snare). Thanks alot for the advice and that you took the time ! I will try to fix these problems and start to getting used to this forum. (btw i use fl studio )
Nice track, whatever automation you've got going there is sounding nice, definitely agree the drums need to hit harder and (personal preference) the bass should be more prominent.

Out of interest, how many separate bass synths have you got running on this?
Nice track, whatever automation you've got going there is sounding nice, definitely agree the drums need to hit harder and (personal preference) the bass should be more prominent.

Out of interest, how many separate bass synths have you got running on this?

Thank you for your feedback. The bass ,especially in the main part, was a little bit of a problem for me :teeth:. Beside that automation (which consists of the modulation from the synth itself and some eq) it is sounding a bit too weak on the mids, right?. I lowered the pitch drastically to achieve the right bass pressure but... Maybe i should go for a higher pitch and simply add a sub base (?) :idea:

For your question ..in the intro only one stab at the beginning of each beat and this one pitchy break bass sound.(underneath it runs this gnarly synth but this is not exactly meant to be a base) .In the main part there is for once the modulated bass, in the beginning some stabs and a slightly harder variation of the stab from the intro. Later when the cymbals play it`s only this one modulated bass chopped and put together (modulated in pitch sometimes),the beginning stab and a really short wide sounding bass sound. The last mentioned sound plays the first time shortly in the 4th bar after the cymbals in the backround started (which is, i admit, just a distorted sample from a pack :razz:) . In the part where the melody plays i just made a reese bass wich runns under that whole thing with eq automation and pitching. I hope that answers your question :D
Hey man! Very cool track! I really like that bass :eek: I think you should try to make the second drop a little more diversed drum-wise because it's a bit repetitive. maybe just change the ride for 16 bars or something. Also around 2:00min I find there is too much going on at the same time but that's just my opinion :)
Great track overall
Hey :D Im really glad that you like the bass. It may be one of my biggest problems that i creat so many clusterfucks where i can`t handle all elements within the mix and it gets a little bit to complex in a bad way. But sometimes i kind of like it . I will definitely try to make the drums in the future with more diversety. ( i think this is a english word ? :teeth:) .Thank you for your feedback i will work on that.