Help! Monitor Speakers


VIP Junglist
Nov 19, 2007
Im really in the dark when it comes to monitor speakers. I gather they give you a more precise sound so you can really hear the mixing while still having your stereo speakers playing also.

I know the KRK Rokit are the best to go for but i want to stick with a Pioneer set up if I can

So here's the 3 im looking at

Why do they have a mains plug for both ? Like we don't have enough plugs already for the rest of the setup lol

I just dont know which to go for, any help would be great.

It's mainly for dj'in btw
KRK's are a bit boxy in my opinion. I'm not overly keen on their sound. I also find that you need to crank them up a bit to get a clear sound. The high end doesn't have great detail.

My friend has Pioneer monitors and they aren't great, but provide a cheap alternative.

I use a pair of Yamaha HS8's, which are great, but their rear ported designs can be problematic in smaller rooms. If you life in a flat, you might piss off your neighbours.

When I can afford to I'm getting a pair of Focal Alpha 50's. They come in various sizes and are relatively cheap. They're also front ported, so you don't have to worry about them being too close to walls etc.

Most, if not all active studio monitors require a mains plug for each one. As they have their own built in amplifier, they require a fair bit of power. I had a pair of active Numark monitors that only required 1 plug, but the sound was awful and they blew up eventually.

FInding the optimal monitors can involve trial and error. I'd recommend finding a store where you can demo them if possible.
I wouldn't say the krks are the best tbh. I have some and they are fine but there are better ones out there for similar money.
Heard terrible things about the pioneer ones so i'd stay clear unless you can go to a shop and listen in person.
If you're buying them deaf without a comparison, I'd read reviews inside and out and prepare for buyers remorse later on.
(reviews from independent sources, not some dude on interwebs who is justifying what they spent their money on by telling you they are the best)

Also, don't buy fucking massive loud speakers if you can't use them due to close neighbours or other factors. It's a waste. You can get better quality quieter speakers for less £
KRK's are a bit boxy in my opinion. I'm not overly keen on their sound. I also find that you need to crank them up a bit to get a clear sound. The high end doesn't have great detail.

My friend has Pioneer monitors and they aren't great, but provide a cheap alternative.

I use a pair of Yamaha HS8's, which are great, but their rear ported designs can be problematic in smaller rooms. If you life in a flat, you might piss off your neighbours.

When I can afford to I'm getting a pair of Focal Alpha 50's. They come in various sizes and are relatively cheap. They're also front ported, so you don't have to worry about them being too close to walls etc.

Most, if not all active studio monitors require a mains plug for each one. As they have their own built in amplifier, they require a fair bit of power. I had a pair of active Numark monitors that only required 1 plug, but the sound was awful and they blew up eventually.

FInding the optimal monitors can involve trial and error. I'd recommend finding a store where you can demo them if possible.

I've just not heard anyone say a bad thing about the KRK's.. until now lol and they are rated very well on the online shops.

It is for a small room, but I still want good sound

So how come the Pioneer dm40's only have the one mains power ? is it because they are not as powerful ? Im trying to understand. Im just worried im already running about 6 plugs another 2 and we will need a flux capacitor or something.

I dont have any stores nearby I can go test them sadly. This is a big part of the problem. I can only go on reviews and hear say

The Yamaha HS8 are abit expensive tbh, so for a pair of them im looking at around £500 but for the S-DJ50X around £260. While I do want the best possible sound and im not cheaping out I just think the s-dj50x are perfect for what I want them for. However Im not certain so your advice is being taken in.

I plan on having my stereo for the bass and majority of sound and the monitor speakers will be for the close listening. That's how it works right ? or do you think if i use the monitor speakers there will be no need for my stereo ? Im abit confussed tbh lol
I wouldn't say the krks are the best tbh. I have some and they are fine but there are better ones out there for similar money.
Heard terrible things about the pioneer ones so i'd stay clear unless you can go to a shop and listen in person.
If you're buying them deaf without a comparison, I'd read reviews inside and out and prepare for buyers remorse later on.
(reviews from independent sources, not some dude on interwebs who is justifying what they spent their money on by telling you they are the best)

Also, don't buy fucking massive loud speakers if you can't use them due to close neighbours or other factors. It's a waste. You can get better quality quieter speakers for less £

Ok so you have some, nice. Oh I hope your friend is wrong I've really got my heart set on them atm. I did watch a trusted review and he says they are ok for the money.

Im not worried about neighbours, Im worried I wont get the sound im looking for lol