Help me improve this filth please

hey man, wow, you seem to have occupied the track spitting bot for now .. is anyone producing more tunes than you do atm?
interesting build up in this one. though IMHO it sounds a bit too MIDI-ish and no real groove is created in this one (compared to most of your other tracks).
could be you are aiming for this asymmetrical beat/rhythm. in that case it's just me not feeling the groove ;)
the track isn't as loud I think as the other 2 I heard from you today. however, clean mix, well done ! :2thumbs:
Sounds really good to me. Agree with Maschinistom about the groove though.

Love all the bass movement but finding it difficult to get a dnb head nod going to this one, variations are almost too quick. Song structure could also benefit from a bit of work, changes just seem to slam in out of nowhere. A few risers and turnarounds at the end of a 16 bar might help the listerner. I'd struggle to mix this as after the drop at 3:20 it just rolls out for a few minutes without anything indicating where you are in the 4 bars. Might say more about my mixing abilities though!

Drums have a nice shuffle and the sound quality is really clean. Enjoyed listening to this, good work.