welcome, and haha yes we do get really meta at times, takes a little figuring out whats what, plus as always there is a period of hazing in the beginning when you start to contribute to threads (its not long, usually a week or two at its most) but for those that do its usually really worth it.
i mean look at clod. he gets called nobhead everyday, but its almost like hes immune, and then he went on to create the logo for the site. you see the logo? the rainbow colored unicorn with the slogan? yup, goes to show, anything is possible.
an example which i cant actually tell if its good or bad is jools. who here remembers jools? dont remember his username, but that kid beared all the hazings, took it right on the chin like a champ, became a great member of our community for a few years, and then... something about a girl, naked pics, a breakup and he simply logged out forever. strange that, still think about it when i browse backups of my old laptops and find those pics.