hello, ciao, allô, hola ;)


New Member
Jun 4, 2012
Aprilia - IT
Ok to be honest i'm cheating here, kudos for those braves who will find out why... ;) anyway...

Hi, I'm Manuel, over 30, stacked into the wrong job for 10 years long, in 2004 i turned to dnb from underground techno, drum and bass rapidly became my main interest and i switched from listening to producing (or a kind of) in only a week, since then i jumped from a daw to another, i started making hardtechno in FL studio 2 and now i'm running a reason5 on an imac... long story short i'm now setted on rewiring reason5 into Logic (just to take full advantage of the latest mastering plugins...). I'm interested in anything drum and bass related, music, technology, science, sci-fi, photography, healty raw and fresh food, beer, engineering, nanotechnology, biology, ecology, cats, rage comics, and the tv show "destroyed in seconds" that make me as happy as a child
I'm interested in about everything, really! If you have anything to ask... here you can

see you on the boards
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