Green laser!


Jul 30, 2003
Was just watching the breakneck promo video... what happened tot he green laser last moth? That thing is proper trippy and intense!! Will we see it returneth this month?! :2thumbs:
Gutted mate. They expensive to hire then? I know they aint cheap to buy! What effects we got this month then? /me is well into me lighting.. :finger2:
toXyk said:
Gutted mate. They expensive to hire then? I know they aint cheap to buy! What effects we got this month then? /me is well into me lighting.. :finger2:
Good taste you have there. Lasers to me aren't all that unless they can change colors and come with more then one DMX channel. Theres a really nice American DJ brand laser you can get now that costs ~600.00 USD that has three colors, 4 DMX channels, and a 4.9 MW output (which isn't much but it means you don't need a licence to operate it). It seems like it might be cool but I'd want to see it in person.
I thought the use of mirror balls at valve was kinda cool. Multicoloured jobs are phat. Maybe breakneck should buy one for that price?!
toXyk said:
I thought the use of mirror balls at valve was kinda cool. Multicoloured jobs are phat. Maybe breakneck should buy one for that price?!
the laser we use is 3W (3000MW).
it is also yag (multi-coloured ones are usually argon) so twice as bright again, there 1224 times more powerfull than the afformentioned one :(
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